
May 31, 2008 03:48

So I found a pic of my Sonic cosplay on 4chan. Well, it was me with the Tails and Cream. And it had to be the single WORST picture EVER of my face.Like it was taken with flash, near the end of the day, with a probably shitty camera given all the shine (my face ain't that oily anymore, I took teh druuuugs). Like of ALLLLLLL the pics that were taken, THAT one just HAD to be uploaded by someone in my group onto their gallery. And it just HAD to be found by /cgl. Fuck you guys, rofl

I saw that pic and I was like, "No. Fuckin'. WAY.". OF ALLL THINGS! FAAACK

It's kinda funny. Like right now I'm in between laughing and 'arrrrrghhhhh'-ing. I have too much of an ego for one bad picture to bring me down. (I know... that's kinda a bad thing)

I have no idea what quixotic means... and no, I ain't gonna google it. Though I AM close to googling what couture means...
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