May 31, 2010 14:41
Haven't posted anything in quite sometime, so let's see what I've been up to.
I've recently applied for school. As it turns out, I didn't decide to go with carpentry after all and am going to pursue something in the travel/tourism field. I've already been accepted to Humber, so I'll be shipping off to Etobicoke in September for class. I'll be staying in the residence down there and will be popping back up to Oshawa on the weekends. Going to need to find a new job while I'm down there, as I simply cannot stand to work at Timmies no more. I've applied for OSAP and I seem to be n the green for that too. I just need to fill out my declaration papers and go down to the school to turn them in (and my residence form at the same time).
I'm really excited about school. I'm going to bust my ass off and work really hard while I'm there. Mostly because they offer intern programs during the 2nd year and I could potentially go to France to do that. Definitely something I want to work towards.
Had the BF come up for the weekend and we had a gay old time. It was really nice to be able to see him again, and hopefully I will again in June when my parents take off for a week and I've got the entire place to myself.
Did the hang-out at the firepit thing at my place on Saturday after going to the zoo with Feldon. Had pretty much the whole crew (minus a squirrel) over and we ended up staying outside around the flame until about 2 in the morning. I was mostly in the bag from my vino by that point, and it was a fantastic night. Will be doing that again around my birthday next month. :3
As far as writing goes, I'm still in a slump. I finished off a story for a friend of mine a few weeks ago, and it was a struggle to finish. I don't seem to have the same ability to write smut as I used to. It's just so damn boring to write the same thing over and over again. I'm beginning to wonder how everyone else does it, or how I did it for so long. It just seems to samey; like actual porn. Same crap, different people.
Still have ideas kicking around for 'Alabaster and the Ring of Winter'. Lots of ideas. I'm actually debating writing several short stories set in that world, just to give people a feel of this fantasy land of crap, wizards and chimeric animal people. I've always been a huge fantasy nerd, and have spent the last several months burying my nose in 'Forgotten Realms' books again. I was even thinking of writing several journal-like stories to create back story for the world and its' peoples and places. Who knows.
I've also become addicted to Pokemon again. 'Cause I'm a nerd. :3