Smooth polygons smooth the heart.

Oct 07, 2010 12:21

Ugghhh. I tripped over my own clumsy feet and took a hard fall on my right arm, which now hurts like a bitch. If it was broken, I wouldn't be able to move it, right? So maybe it's just a sprain. Either way, ow, ow, ow. Even a masochist like me can't enjoy this. I'd go to the ER, but I have work this afternoon (not to mention dinner plans with bunrab) so I don't feel like waiting around for several hours. I guess I'll just put it in a sling and do what I can with one arm at work.

I'm more concerned with how this will affect my gaming! Oh noes, my Wii arm!! (lol) Samurai Warriors 3 is such a fun game. And I swear it was made for fangirls. The whole Mitsunari-Sakon-Kiyomasa love triangle story mode is so moe I could die. Mitsunari is such a squirming, socially retarded tsundere that he can't even make eye contact with people, and Sakon is an appropriately snarky match... as for Kiyomasa, well, it's hard to love him after watching Tenchijin, but he's pretty moe too. But you know who has no redeeming qualities whatsoever? Tokugawa Ieyasu. And Kobayakawa Hideaki. Long live the western army, Tokugawas go to hell!

(wahaha, it's been 4 centuries, but I'll never let it go! Unfortunately I couldn't be in Japan for the 400th anniversary of the Battle of Sekigahara, but hopefully I will be able to make the anniversary of the Osaka Summer Campaign's Battle of Tennouji. Samurai, don't have major battles during the school year please. Ahhh I'm such a rekijou.)

As for RP, we've got one new player with the promise of another on the way... so I'm cautiously optimistic? So,colorise, I won't sound the death knells yet. Ugghh, I haven't done any roleplaying in forever.
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