I'm corrupting a loli! orz

May 09, 2010 23:09

I met the 11-year-old daughter of my uncle's girlfriend today... and ended up discussing how Bleach really sucks these days and how the Nelvana dub of Card Captor Sakura was a crime against humanity. AN OTAKU. IN MY FAMILY. Finally, I have a semi-relative I can relate to on an intellectual level... even if she is less than half my age.

But when when I told her that I didn't use Facebook because I like sites where you can have actual conversations, she said I must be on /r9k/. As in, the lonely wankers board on 4chan. O___O

I just got called a loser by an 11-year-old.

My 11-year-old loli cousin is on 4chan.


She said she only hangs out on /a/ and /news/ but she certainly does know her memes. I'm not sure if this is kind of awesome or kind of terrifying. I mean, yeah, when I was 11 I was online reading questionable Sailor Moon and Dragonball fanfiction all the time, but being on 28.8k dial-up severely limited the amount of trouble I was able to get into. She seems pretty internet savvy and aware of creepers, though, so what the hell? Let her scar her brain the way I did at that age, by looking at hand-drawn dinosaur porn. I don't care much for my uncle (he's an obnoxious, racist scumbag) but the kid has potential...

In other news, somehow I managed to get lost in my own neighborhood today, and found myself in a part of the city I'd never seen before. I don't even know how these things happen. I'm pretty sure I fell into some kind of rip in the time-space continuum.
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