Link foo?

Aug 19, 2009 17:44

What's in a name? Everything Intersex: Why naming matters
"What is at stake when it comes to intersex clearly goes deeper than language. Intersex is about culture, human rights, and quite literally, saving lives. No matter who you talk to, the intentions on all sides of the intersex/DSD controversy are good: to end unnecessary medical treatments or to disallow discrimination based on physical variation or to prevent “normalization” of people who, for whatever reason, don’t meet the narrow confines of acceptable male-female and boy-girl. Everyone is just trying to find the right word, the strongest way to say stop. The challenge is to make sure no one is hurt along the way."

Referenced in the above, and a damn good piece:
The Tyranny of the Esthetic: Surgery's Most Intimate Violation
Written in 1998, the numbers haven't changed -- still, every day in this country, five children have healthy sexual organs surgically altered or removed just to make their parents or their doctors more comfortable.

The Complete Alphabet: Moving beyond ABC towards healthy and safe sexuality for all

Epiphany and George Sodini
Finally grokking "You're polyamorous? That's so greedy!"

Racism, Right-Wing Rage and the Politics of White Nostalgia

CSI Myths: The Shaky Science Behind Forensics
(The linked sidebar "The Truth About 4 Common Forensics Methods" is well worth a gander, as well.)

Conan O'Brian attacks trans women

Believers invest in the Gospel of Getting Rich
More garbage from the Prosperity Gospel folks, who are telling their followers that if they're worried about money, they should just send more to worthy causes... like the Prosperity Gospel preachers. Shhh. It's not a MLM scheme - it's the Word of God!
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