Roswell fic: Surviving Chapters 6 - 10 {M/M}

Mar 20, 2007 23:51

Title: Survivng
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Maria's way of surviving
Disclaimer- I don't own anything so please don't sue me. It really isn't worth it!.
A/N:This is a response to a challenge on CID
A/N: Thank you so much to Dreamerlaure for being an excellent beta!

Chapter 6

An hour later, Michael was still outside of Maria’s house. He had finally crossed the street to where the tree was and he slumped down on the ground, leaning on the tree in the darkened street.

Twenty minutes later when he was lightly dozing, he heard laughter. He smiled sleepily thinking of her laugh, but when he heard another more masculine laugh, he frowned. His eyes snapped open when he realised that the light and carefree laughter was not something that he was dreaming but something that he could actually hear. He turned his head to the direction of the sound and felt like someone had just thrown ice-cold water in his face. Frozen in place with agonized dismay, Michael watched the laughing couple.


Maria smiled at Zack. He was a great guy, and his personality reminded her so much of Alex that a part of her wanted to cry and another part wanted to jump up with joy. Walking with him had really helped her. When she had come out of the club and had checked her phone for any messages or calls, she had been overwhelmed to have found a couple of missed calls from Michael. But then Zack and his goofiness had taken her mind off of him.

She laughed as he pulled a face imitating his science teacher. She had discovered that he did not go to Roswell High but McEachern High, which was the other school in Roswell.

“Well, this is me.” Maria announced when they arrived outside her house.

“Finally,” Zack joked. “Now how do I go back?” he laughed sheepishly.

Maria laughed but before she could answer or give him directions, her cell phone rang. Surprised at who could be calling her so late she opened her bag searching for the ringing phone. When she finally had it in her hand, she frowned when she saw ‘Michael Guerin’ displayed on the screen. Biting her lip she stared at the screen for a few seconds, letting the phone ring and then she finally pressed disconnect.

“Are you ok?” Zack asked, his worried voice pulling her out of her thoughts. Maria nodded and put the cell phone back in her bag. Noticing the change of mood, Zack smiled reassuringly, touched her arm and said good night.

“Good night Zack” Maria replied. The cheeriness that was in her voice five minutes before, gone. She turned around and walked up the steps, pulled out her keys and let herself in. Before closing the door she turned around and smiled at Zack, not once noticing the shadow of a man sitting on the ground leaning against the tree.


Michael watched them from where he sat. He watched her laugh happily, throwing her head back. He watched her smile encouragingly while the guy she was with spoke. He watched the small touches they exchanged, and with every smile, laugh or touch he felt his heart crack.

“She was on a date,” he whispered brokenly to himself.

From where he was sitting he saw her face clearly, and he could see the light make-up she had on and the carefree happiness that he hadn’t seen in so long. The make-up had surprised him. Even though it was light make-up, Michael still noticed. He knew her face as well as he knew his own.

He tried to move his eyes away from the happy scene but it was hard to. They stayed glued onto the girl that had officially broken his heart.

He took out his cell phone and pressed redial. Her phone rang loudly in the silence of the night, interrupting their laughter. He watched as she frowned when she saw his number, and he silently begged for her to answer.

‘If she answers, there’s hope.’

But when she disconnected his call and put her phone back into her bag, Michael dejectedly let his arm drop onto his thigh. Feeling disappointed, empty and foolish, Michael watched her turn and smile at the guy before closing the door.

Unable to move he stared at her closed door.

‘I guess we’re really over’.


Sean stood near the kitchen window with a frown marring his face. He could just about make out the shadowy form of Michael slumped against a tree looking forlorn as he watched Maria with a guy Sean did not recognize. He couldn’t really make out Michael’s facial features, but the desolate way his body slouched was enough for anyone to see that he was truly unhappy.

When he heard the jingle of keys he rushed into the living room and slumped onto the couch with the remote control in his hand, seemingly indifferent as he channel surfed.

“Sean?” Maria hesitantly called when she saw him on the couch.

“Hey. How was work?” he asked, smiling sympathetically.

“Not bad considering it was my first time. Why are you still awake?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged.

“Mom not back yet?” she asked quietly, but she regretted it once the words left her mouth.

“No,” he replied shortly.

“Oh, ok. Well I’m going to bed, I have school tomorrow. Goodnight Sean.”

Sean watched her turn and walk towards her room. She reached her door just when he asked, “Who’s Michael?”

He frowned when he saw her tense and turn to face him slowly.

She narrowed her eyes” How do you know Michael?” she asked suspiciously.

“I don’t” Sean shrugged and turned his attention back to the tv screen. ‘Shit, I shouldn’t have said anything.’

“Sean,” Maria said her voice anything but soft and sweet.

“He was here earlier, looking for you.”


“And what?”

“What else?” Maria asked exasperatedly.

“Nothing. He asked where you were and I told him I didn’t know”

“Oh, ok. Good.” She nodded then turned back to enter her room.

“So who is he then?” Sean asked again.

“Just someone from school… He’s no one.”

With that said she quickly walked into her room and closed the door. Once inside, Maria leaned against the door, her heart hammering in her chest.

“I wish he were no one” she whispered gravely to the dark room.


Title: Survivng
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Maria's way of surviving
Disclaimer- I don't own anything so please don't sue me. It really isn't worth it!.
A/N:This is a response to a challenge on CID
A/N: Thank you so much to Dreamerlaure for being an excellent beta!

Chapter 7

Sean watched Maria practically run into her room. It was quite obvious that she was lying. She had always been a terrible liar. Frowning, he put down the remote control, stood up from the couch, and went over to the window. Michael was still there. He hadn’t moved an inch; he sat there like he was frozen. Sean shook his head and went back to the TV.

‘Damn, the guy’s got it bad.’

He looked at the time and sighed. Amy still wasn’t back. He wanted to sleep but he knew it would be useless. If he went into his old room now, all he would do was lie on the bed, wide awake, or just pace the room.

His family was really screwed up.

He wasn’t blind; he could see the toll life was taking out on Maria. She wasn’t made for this. This was too much for an eighteen year old girl, and then there were the things that were going on with this Michael guy; sure Sean didn’t know the full story but it was quite obvious that they had been together, and quite recently too.

Confused and pissed off at how things were coming together for his family, Sean stretched out on the couch and stared at the screen.


Still leaning against her door, Maria closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Her pulse had finally slowed down, and she could now think rationally. She looked around the dark room and frowned when she noticed the curtains closed. She never closed the curtains. She liked waking up to the morning light shining on her face. She put her bag on her dresser and took off her coat. She walked to her wardrobe and grabbed her pajama bottoms and a tank top.

Once she was changed, she got under her covers, willing sleep to come to her. Remembering that the curtains were drawn, she got out of bed and made her way to the window. She pulled the drapes aside and looked up at the peaceful clear night sky. She smiled when she noticed the stars were shining brightly.

Unable to pull herself away from the gorgeous night she sat down on her cushioned window bench and even looked around at the view outside. The street was really quiet, with no movement whatsoever. She looked at the overgrown, old tree and smiled. That tree had been there for as long as she could remember. Her eyes travelled down the trunk quickly, and her eyes were drifting away from the tree, but snapped back when she noticed him.

Her eyes widened with alarm as they locked eyes. Her breath hitched in her throat as her eyes travelled down his chest to his hand on his thigh, where the colour display of his cell phone shone in the dark. Weakly, she raised her gaze back to his and solemnly watched him.

He didn’t move; he just sat there and watched her but that didn’t really affect her. What affected her was the anguish and disappointment on his face as he looked at her. He looked so broken and in so much pain that she couldn’t handle it. Pulling her eyes away from his, she abruptly turned her back on him, stood up and pulled the curtains back.

She slid over to her bed and got under the covers, her heart hammering in her chest again.

Thoughts she hadn’t wanted to face head-on in the starlight came back to her full force.

He was there.

How long had he been there?

Had he seen Zack?

Did he see her not answer?

So many questions, but she felt there were no answers to any of them.

Tears welled up in her eyes and streamed down the sides of her face. Unable to keep them at bay, she turned so that she was lying on her front, and buried her face in her pillow, allowing the pillow to muffle her heart-breaking sobs.


A tear slid down Michael’s cheek, but he was so cold that he couldn’t move to wipe it away, even if he wanted too. The night was bright and clear but it was still quite chilly, and since he had sat in the same spot for over two-hours, it had taken a toll on him.

She had seen him. She had looked into his eyes and then she had turned away.

Maria never turned away from him. Even when they weren’t together, whenever he went to her, she let him in. This time, she had turned away.

It was finally over

Another tear slid down his cheek.

He had lost her.

This wasn’t like the other times, when they would fight and he would break up with her. This time he knew it was final because it was Maria that had broken it off.

She had never broken it off before.

She had always needed him.

She either didn’t need him anymore, or he had stopped being there for her, too into his own life and everything alien related that had been happening. Still, at the end of the day, she was the one he wanted; why couldn’t she see that.

He noticed before that she worked a lot of hours, more hours than Liz ever did, and sometimes even more than him. Yet since he never said anything, she didn’t either.

One time she told him, “I can’t rely on you.” He had always just thought the words only applied to what had happened then, but now he was considering the possibility that it had a double meaning.

He moved his cold hand from his thigh, put the cell phone away and rubbed both palms together, trying to put some warmth back into them. Then he got up from the ground and smoothed his uniform. Half-heartedly, Michael jumped on his bike and dejectedly rode away.


Title: Survivng
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Maria's way of surviving
Disclaimer- I don't own anything so please don't sue me. It really isn't worth it!.
A/N:This is a response to a challenge on CID
A/N: Thank you so much to Dreamerlaure for being an excellent beta!

Chapter 8

“God, I look terrible,” Maria muttered as she stared at her reflection in the girl’s bathroom at school. Her lunch period was almost over, and it had went by without her really noticing. She had spent nearly the whole hour hiding in the cubicles. She just wanted to be alone. She didn’t want to be surrounded by all the happy people and happy couples when her life was the complete opposite.

Liz was happy too. She mentioned something about spending the afternoon with Sean. Maria wasn’t quite sure how she felt about the two of them together but Liz did seem genuinely happy, and if Sean kept her thoughts away from Max and their break-up then lucky her. Besides it was only the beginning, so there was nothing to worry about yet.

Michael was ignoring her again. He walked past her earlier and hadn’t looked her way or spoken to her. She had expected him to be cold towards her, but a part of her had hoped that he would at least stay friends with her.

‘Well there goes that thought' she thought sourly.

She put her bag on the counter and rummaged through it until she found the concealer. Then she washed her face to get rid of the tear streaks on her face and she wiped her face with a few tissues. She dabbed her finger into the concealer and applied it under her eyes to hide the bags.

‘That’s as good as it’s gonna get,’ she thought when she was finished. Her eyes were still red from all the crying, but there was nothing she could do about them so she shrugged, closed her bag and made her way out the bathroom.

The moment she stepped out, Liz spotted her.

“Maria, where’ve you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you? Max, Michael and Isabel have something to say,” Liz spoke animatedly. Obviously spending time with Sean had helped her if she could stand to be in the same room as Max.

Maria panicked as Liz’s words penetrated through her hazed brain. Max, Michael and Isabel had something to say. That meant being in a room with Michael; she couldn’t do it, not if he was going to ignore her. She wasn’t ready.

She got out of her thoughts and stopped Liz by pulling back her arm, the arm Liz had a hold on and was using to bring her to the door.

“I’m sorry Liz, but I can’t,” Maria hastily explained when Liz looked at her curiously.

“What’s wrong?” Liz asked, quickly stepping closer to Maria.

Maria mentally snorted ‘What’s right?’ Outwardly she plastered on a fake apologetic smile “I have an overdue book that I have to return to the library. Lunch period is almost over and I have to take it now” Maria quickly explained. “I have class after so I can’t take it then. Can you please just fill me in later at work? Please Liz,” Maria begged desperately.

“Ok,” Liz nodded. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

‘No!’ “Of course, what could be wrong?” Maria replied, smiling as she released the breath she hadn’t known she was holding.

“You just seem…different,” Liz observed. There was some hesitancy in her voice though and she looked carefully at Maria.

“Nope, I’m just tired. I’m sorry, Liz. I have to go,” Maria said as she started moving away. She didn’t want to think about things again because if she did, she might break down.

“Maria,” Liz called to her friend’s quickly departing back, but Maria had already turned the corner. Confused, Liz turned and went into the usual empty classroom where they had their ‘meetings.’


Michael watched as the classroom door opened. His back was rigid and he was tense all over. His heart was hammering in his chest because he was so panicked at seeing her again. The hurt he had seen in her eyes and the way her face fell when he had ignored her earlier was still fresh in his mind. Holding his breath, he willed himself to look at the people entering the classroom. His feeling of panic returned full force when only Liz came in and he glowered thunderously at her.

‘What?!’ Liz mentally cried, alarmed at the look on his face. ‘What have I done?’

But before she could ask Max spoke, “Where’s Maria?”

“Yeah where is she? If she’s not here then I don’t have to be here,” Kyle quickly interrupted. These ‘meetings’ were boring.

“Sshe ccouldn’t make it,” Liz stammered slightly but then her voice grew stronger. She stood up straighter and pulled her shoulders back defiantly “I’ll fill her in later. Is there a problem with that?” she challenged lightly. She wasn’t going to be weak around him anymore. He was just a guy.

“No” Max answered quietly slightly shocked at her stance.

She nodded in acceptance, and she went and stood near Kyle.

Isabel looked around and she exchanged glances with Kyle. Michael still hadn’t said anything and he looked so angry that she thought it would be best to just not bother him. Liz boldly standing up to Max was new. Maria not being there was different; Maria was always there.

Michael’s eyes narrowed still staring at the door. ‘So, she doesn’t want anything to do with us anymore…two can play at that game,’ he thought determinedly before turning his attention back to Max who had started speaking.

“I’ve found some information on my son,” Max was saying to the group. No one made a sound. Isabel’s eyes widened but she refrained herself from asking questions. Liz looked down at the ground. She knew she was almost over him but it still hurt whenever he mentioned his son; it brought back memories that she had tried to forget, memories that she associated with Tess and Alex. Pulling her eyes back to look at him so he wouldn’t get the wrong impression, she found him staring at her.

“How do you know this is for real?” Kyle asked with a raised eyebrow. "I mean how do you know the information is legit?"

“I don’t know. But it feels right,” He answered feeling slightly stupid and beginning to doubt himself.

“So, what are you going to do?” Michael asked, sounding bored. This alien stuff should be over with already. He understood that Max wanted to find his son but how the hell was he going to do that when they had no way of getting to Antar. If he really wanted his son he should’ve never sent Tess away without him or, better yet, he should’ve never had let Tess leave.

And that was when Micheal realised. He really didnt care what Max wanted to do because he knew it was probably alien-related. All that crap was supposed to be over and done with, it was like a mutual agreement between the whole group. The moment they had all stayed on earth, was the moment they had all let go of the alien side of their lives.

But obviously Max had different rules when it came to himself.

Shaking his head Michael leaned back in his seat, not taking part in the discussion taking place around him but letting his thoughts wonder back to the petite blonde who was constantly on his mind.


Title: Survivng
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Maria's way of surviving
Disclaimer- I don't own anything so please don't sue me. It really isn't worth it!.
A/N:This is a response to a challenge on CID
A/N: Thank you so much to Dreamerlaure for being an excellent beta!

Chapter 9

The slamming of the front door caused Sean, who had finally fallen asleep on the couch, to jerk awake. He opened his eyes and saw a blurry figure stumble past. He blinked a few times and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. As he opened his eyes, he saw Amy stagger by, holding onto the walls for support. She hadn’t even noticed him. He could’ve been anyone.

Scowling angrily and the fact that sleep was no longer an option bothering him, Sean pushed himself off of the couch. He stretched out his clenched muscles and rubbed his sore neck. Then he went into his old room, and hurriedly pulled on a t-shirt, sweat pants and running shoes. He walked into the bathroom, brushed his teeth quickly and washed his face. He needed to work out to get rid of his steam. He stepped out onto the porch and smiled when the afternoon sun hit his face. He stretched out his muscles before starting a jog down the street, hoping that the work out would somehow help with their dilemma.


“Thank you, and have a good night” Maria repeated for the thousandth time that night. It was 10pm and The Crashdown had closed moments ago. She closed the door as the last customer left, but refrained from locking it. Liz had been saying goodbye to Sean for the last fifteen minutes and she still hadn’t come back in.

Sighing, she looked around the messy café. The only staff remaining was Liz, herself and Michael. If Liz came back in and helped they could be lucky and get everything done in only an hour. That would in turn, give Maria an hour she desperately needed. She could go home, get dressed and head over to Ride to do her 12 - 4 am shift. She grimaced at the thought of working more but seeing as she had no other option, she sighed deflatedly, moved to the nearest booth and started clearing the table.

She stole a glance at the boy whose back was to her through the serving hatch as he moved around in the kitchen. Neither of the pair had said a word to one another all day long. She watched as his back muscles rippled through his t-shirt with every movement he made and inwardly, she longed to hold him in her arms.

‘Snap out of it Deluca,’ she mentally chided herself ‘He’s not yours anymore’, she growled from the back of her throat and turned her back so she wouldn’t have to see him. She grabbed the dishes, took a deep breath and took the few steps that brought her over to the kitchen. When she was a few steps away from the swinging door she froze. She could hear voices. He wasn’t alone.

Maria pushed the door open slightly and pressed her ear to the door frame.

“So, Michael” Marissa, the new waitress who had replaced Courtney was saying as her eyes hungrily travelled up and down Michael’s body. “Are you with someone?” she drawled.

“Umm no.” Michael hesitantly answered, scratching his eyebrow.

“Good. Wanna go out sometime?” she asked with a flirtatious smirk as she smoothly walked over to him.

Unable to see anymore and dreading his answer Maria pulled her head back from behind the door and rushed to the front of the café where she wouldn’t be able to hear them. She turned so that her back was facing them and furiously blinked to get rid of the tears of anger and hurt that were welling in her eyes.

“I’m so stupid. So stupid. So stupid.” She reiterated quietly, wanting nothing more than to bash her head against a wall. ‘Well you didn’t expect him to hang around forever did you?..oh you did…that’s so sweet,’ her conscious pushed. It was what she wanted, but even Maria was learning that the world doesn’t work that way.

“Shut up,” Maria muttered as a tear stubbornly slipped out and slid down her cheek. Angrily swiping at it with the back of her hand, she took a deep breath and started stacking the dishes faster. Not wanting to go into the kitchen in case Marissa was there she stacked them all on the counter and left them there. She pulled out the cleaning material from the broom cupboard and started wiping down the tables. She put all her energy and focuses on wiping the tables and cleaning that she didn’t even notice when Liz came back in.

“Maria. Maria,” Liz called, her voice slightly louder the second time.

“Huh? Yeah,” Maria answered pulled out of her stupor.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah. I was just thinking about stuff.”

“Ok…you’ve done a lot. What’s left?” Liz asked looking around the café.

“Umm, the floor and the dishes on the counter. Could you please take them into the kitchen?” Maria replied, feigning nonchalance.

“Sure” Liz smiled, thinking nothing of it.

They all carried on, working their own thoughts out in their head but cloaking it in closing up the Café.

“Hey Maria, can you please take the last set into the kitchen? I have to get the new broom which is upstairs. Thanks,” Liz called over her shoulder and run up the stairs, before Maria could decline.

Frowning slightly, Maria stood up straighter, smoothed down her hair and wiped her face. With a deep breath and with confidence she did not have she grabbed the stack of dishes in the washing up bowl and pushed the swinging door open.


Michael who had been wiping the counter next to the door had his back to it so he didn’t see the door open until it hit his back. Scowling angrily, he turned expecting to see Liz but was shocked to see a wide-eyed Maria instead.

“II’m sso sorry,” she stuttered softly, and instinctually moving closer to him to check the damage. Just as she was about to place her hand on his back she realised what she was doing, she instantly let her hand drop and took a step back.

The scowl had left Michael's face and instead he just watched her. This was the first time they had been in such close proximities to one another since she had broken it off.

“It’s nothing. I’ll live,” he shrugged not taking his eyes off of her.

Maria blinked a few times confused. “Oh, I really am sorry.” She apologized again as she stared into his eyes. He didn’t say anything he just watched her with a cool gaze, seemingly unfazed.

His cool demeanour towards her caused tears to sting at her eyes. Blinking them away and not wanting him to see she looked down at her feet.

“I’m fine Maria,” he answered softly, the moment he spotted her tear filled eyes.

Maria looked up at him through hooded eyes and watched him gulp. Her tears always had an effect on him. She smiled at the impact of the gesture.

Overwhelmed with emotions she dropped the bowl and threw herself at him, both hands on each side of his face she kissed him with fervor. It only took him a few moments to realize what was happening before he reacted as he knew best, pulling her closer to him. He wrapped a strong arm around her waist and he let his other hand tangle in her mass of blond curls, something he’d been denied for what felt like so long. He angled her head slightly and deepened the kiss.

“Maria, we can’t do this,” he panted against her lips when he pulled away. “You already hate me, and I won’t push something you don’t want,” Michael whispered breathing hard as he tried to untangle himself from her.

“I don’t hate you,” she gasped. She clutched at his t-shirt pulling him in again, her lips devouring his. “I don’t hate you,” she whispered again, her hands wandering everywhere. She pressed her small lithe body into him and her rubbing her hands all over him was driving him mad. He wanted her so bad.

‘Oh God.’


roswell fic:surviving, roswell, fanfiction

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