Dark Angel fic: Secrets: Against his kind - Chapter 1 {M/A}

Mar 22, 2008 02:49

Title: Secrets: Against his kind
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: PG-13 to M
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Sequel to Secrets: This takes place after Proof of Purchase - Only Alec doesn’t go to Max for help but instead makes another deal with White. Eventually M/A

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

“If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you”.
-T. S. Eliot

Chapter 1 : Moving on

“So I got two. I just need more time to get the third” Alec reluctantly admitted, handing the small black notebook to Ames White. His hazel-green eyes slightly narrowed as he watched the shorter, but built man, as he opened the book and flipped through the pages stopping on the two with the blood-stained barcodes.

White’s jaw clenched and his eyes hardened. “We had an agreement” he said slowly, deliberately - his eyes still on the pages.

“Just a few hours” Alec tried again, his voice low with resentment.

White ignored him.

Desperate, Alec took a slight step forward but paused when the guns surrounding him were raised. “I can do it. Give me another chance”

Finally, White raised his head to look at him and smiled, finding humour at the desperate look in Alec’s eyes. “Alright, here’s what were going to do 494. I’ll give you two options. Option a, you die. Option b, you live” he paused, purposely pushing the X5 to retaliate.

Alec’s whole body tensed, his heart freezing in his chest and his eyes narrowed into slits as his gaze bore into White's. He could feel the tension and uneasiness rolling in waves from the agents present. Threatening a genetically engineered killing machine was not a smart thing to do and from the way they were acting they obviously knew it, but not Agent White, FBI, NSA - whoever the guy was, he seemed expectant - maybe even hopeful.

“What's it going to be 494? Time's a wasting.”

Alec inhaled deeply through his nose and forced his muscles to relax, his hazel-green eyes never leaving White's face. There was something about White that sent tingles of awareness shooting through his body and the short hairs on the back of his neck, near his barcode, to stand on end.

White was someone Alec was definitely going to keep an eye on. Throughout his short life, he had never come across a human - who had known what he was - that wasn't one-way or another afraid of him. He could smell the scent of fear on all the other agents, but not on White.

Alec's eyes quickly landed on the other agents, their faces grim but the confusion apparent. He looked back at White again. He didn't want to die. Not because he was afraid of dying, but because he didn't want to give anyone the pleasure of killing him, especially Special Agent in charge White.

“Option b. I choose option b.”


The force of the punch had Alec spitting out blood, but he took it. His bare feet, slightly spread out and planted firmly on the greying mat. His opponent, a tall heavy blonde man with bruises and scars on his face and chest, came at him again. One large fist landed on his ribs and the other on the side of his head which made Alec see stars, as well as gasp for breath. He staggered back his movements somewhat sluggish and grabbed hold of the fence to stop his fall as the crowd went wild, the latter attack having more effect on him than it should have.

“Come-on. Kick his ass!”

Alec didn't have to turn around to know who had screamed out. The man was a regular, a big fan of his. His short blond hair always neat, shirts and pants always pressed, and blue eyes - behind thick-rimmed glasses - bloodthirsty.

Not that Alec really cared about his fans; all he cared about was the cash that he was paid at the end of the night. And good pay it was.

The heavy man came at him again, his bruised lips stretched into a grin, thinking he had the upper hand. He reached out for Alec's head only to grunt in pain when Alec stabbed his elbow into his wide back. Confused and outraged and wondering how it had happened, he looked over his shoulder and watched him with beady, black and blue eyes.

Alec grinned, self-confidence oozing from him once again. It was his turn to play.

When he first started the cage-fighting business, it had been a quick and easy way for him to make money, and honestly he loved it. It was effortless, fun and it paid well - all the qualities he looked for in a job. With his enhanced abilities he wouldn't have had to work hard, all he had to worry about was accidentally not killing his opponents. Then White had stepped in and ever since then, his life literally sucked.

Every day was a struggle to survive, literally.

“That's how it's done. Finish him off rock star!”

The opponent was on the floor on his knees with Alec standing behind him, his right arm wrapped around the opponent’s neck. Alec squeezed harder as his opponent struggled, pulling at the arm constricting his blood flow. Five seconds later he went slack and Alec carefully put him down. The bell rang indicating the end of the fight and a woman in her late forties maybe early fifties, stepped into the cage, her bright blue eyes shining.

Annie grabbed his wrist and raised it “The champion” she shouted over the crowd. She looked at him with a smile. Alec brought in a lot of money for her, the crowd loved him, and because of that, so did she.

Not that he cared whether the boss lady liked him or not. He was there to get paid. The way he saw it was, the more they liked him, the more he got paid. No skin off his nose.

He looked at the big clock above the heads of the men in the crowd and heavily sighed, hating himself for what he had to do, what he was forced to do. He had three hours to check in with his prize or life as he knew it was over. ‘Great, just freaking great’

Manticore would’ve loved this. He had become what they had wanted him to be, what they had trained him to be, a hunter and a fighter.


Max sat on the cold metallic surface and looked around. There was a time when she used to sit on the space needle and feel like she was on top of the world but for the past couple ofmonths it had been the other way round. The world was on her and it was crushing her.

Transgenics were out in the world. Well, mutants or freaks are what they were known as by the media and the public. And it wasn’t a pretty sight. The hostility from the public was somewhat understandable. People were afraid of things that are different, and nothing got more different than genetically engineered killing machines.

The fact that the economy was so bad didn’t help either. The threat that the transgenics would take their jobs, eat that extra food,pushed them that extra mile. Things were never going to be the same.

She felt the antigen for the virus burn a hole in the pocket of her jeans. The Manticore doctor Lydecker had told Logan about had come through for them. All she had to do was inject the antigen into herself and she was good to go. Virus free and could go back to ‘sucking face’ with Logan.

‘Only, they didn’t really have that kind of relationship.’ Max thought absently. ‘Sure that ‘welcome back kiss’ was nice but maybe that’s all it was? A ‘welcome back kiss’. A heat of the moment thing. Wouldn’t it be easier to just go back to the way things were, before her recapture? Him being Eyes-Only and her being his legs for hire?’

Max sighed. ‘No, things had definitely changed.’

She got out the antigen from her pocket and held it between her thumb and forefinger, inspecting the clear liquid. She was yet to tell Logan about it, every time she had tried something had stopped her. Maybe it’s because she hadn’t figured out what she wanted to happen next. Holding onto the cure would give her more time to decide.

She wrapped her fist around the small vial and looked out into dark clear sky. Life was good. Joshua was safe. The kids, she and Alec had saved were safe in Canada. And Alec, well she didn’t know where he was.

It was times when she was alone like this, that she truly allowed herself to think of him. What little relationship they had formed in Manticore no longer stood. The hostility between them was mutual, though they managed to be somewhat friendly to each other, well as friendly as they could in front of the unit.

She’d wanted to speak to him, ask him if he had needed anything but the moment the kids were alright, he had taken off with a small wave - not once looking back.

‘Good riddance’ she had thought at the time, they had both needed time to cool off, but now she found herself worrying about him. She knew he would be ok, he’s had missions before, he knew how the world worked - yet she couldn’t help but wonder and worry and dare she admit it - want to see him again.

Please review ;)

dark angel, da fic:secrets: ahk, fanfiction, pg-13

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