Dark angel fic: Cheaters chapter's 16 - 20 {M/A}

Mar 28, 2007 15:15

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Chapter 16

Alec growled and went to attack the same moment Biggs blurred and got in between with so much force that he and Alec fell on the floor.

“Calm down Alec, he doesn’t know about us. He hasn’t done anything wrong. In fact he’s come looking for you hasn’t he?. He’s helping you.” Biggs swiftly whispered. He wasn’t stupid he knew he couldn’t restrain Alec on a usual day let alone while he was in his instincts.

“He’s helping you” he replied and watched with satisfaction as the feral glint faded from Alec’s eyes. Somehow those words were what he needed to hear.

Taking a deep breath Alec nodded and impatiently pushed Biggs off him. Just because he understood, did not mean he was gonna lie around and do nothing while his mate was in danger.

‘Damn transgenic hearing’ he thought once he saw Cece making her way towards them.

“What going on guys?” she asked curiously as she watched Biggs and Alec straighten themselves out.

“Nothing” Alec grumbled shortly.

Cece’s eyebrow shot up as if to say ‘Do you actually expect me to believe that?’ She turned to face Sketchy and OC and was shocked to see how pale Sketchy was. The poor guy looked like he had just seen a ghost. The stench of blood reached her sensitive nose which drew her eyes to his blood-stained clothes. Realisation hit. Max’s blood. Her eyes snapped back to Alec’s face.

“What happened?” she asked softly.

Without answering her Alec turned back to face Sketchy. He had the answers.

Sketchy who had turned to look pleadingly at OC when he watched Biggs wrestle Alec on the floor, hesitantly looked at Alec only to find three pairs of hard eyes solely on him. Shrinking back in fear, he squeaked slightly when Alec took steps towards him.

‘Poor guy’ OC thought. If this had been a different situation she would’ve laughed at Sketchy’s behaviour, but given the givens she truly did feel for him.

“What happened Sketchy?” Alec asked with forced calm. He had seen Sketchy’s reaction to him and his feral side was proud ‘good, he should be afraid’.

Sketchy still in his own world didn’t hear the question penetrate. He stared blankly at Alec.

“Hhuh?” he squeaked.

“What happened?” Alec reiterated more harshly.

The harshness in his tone must’ve snapped Sketchy out of his reverie because he answered, quickly, albeit he stumbled on his words.

“We were in the queue Max wanted some gas for her motorcycle. The next thing we saw was this guy pull out a gun and started shooting while wrestling with the cops.” He stopped then sheepishly carried on “I don’t know what happened next, Max pushed me to the floor but there was this women screaming for her son. When the shooting stopped I looked up and Max was on her stomach on the floor bleeding. There was a lot of blood dude. She told me to go and get you but then the paramedic’s came.”

Turning to OC he said “OC do you remember that guy we saw with Max a few months ago, tall with short black hair?”

“What’s this got anything to do with anything?” Alec interrupted harshly though he was split in two. A part of him was glad that Max had wanted him, but then the other part recognised that she must’ve been in a real bad way if she wanted him. Someone she couldn’t even stand next to for a few minutes without running off.

OC glared at him while Sketchy stuttered “He was one of the paramedic’s”.

“Rafer?” OC asked. She didn’t know any paramedic and she knew for a fact that Max didn’t either due to her hatred for hospitals. But the only guy Max had been with lately was Alec, Logan and Rafer, and since neither Alec nor Logan had short black hair it had to be him.

“Yeah!” Sketchy replied. “That was his name. Anyway he took Max to Harbor Lights”.

“Thanks Sketchy. And I’m sorry about before” Alec apologised sincerely. The guy had helped Max and he was ready to flip.

Sketchy breathed visibly “It’s ok” he nodded.

Returning his nod Alec turned towards the exit knowing that Cece and Biggs were following him.

OC grabbed Biggs arm and instantly let go once Cece’s hard eyes turned to her. ‘Cece and Biggs are mated’ she realised.

“Cece” Biggs rushed to assure his mate. “She didn’t know”

“Yeah” Cece relaxed releasing OC with her eyes “I’m sorry” she apologized. OC was a good person even though she was ordinary.

“No I’m sorry” OC rushed in to say but returned Cece’s smile.

“Ok everyone sorry that’s good” Biggs smiled cheekily but then noticing their glares towards him he frowned “Fun suckers” he mumbled.

“Always” Cece beamed.

“Yeah yeah” Biggs replied with affection. But then wondering why OC had stopped him he cocked his head towards Alec giving a subtle hint to Cece.

“Well I’m gonna go and look after Alec before he damages someone” she told them sadly as she walked away. ‘poor Alec, nothing ever came easy for him’.

Biggs turned his attention back to OC and asked “what’s wrong OC?”

“Rafer” OC started “Rafer was Max’s last heat incident …well before Alec” she informed him.

“Oh” Biggs replied

“Will that have an effect?” OC curiously asked

“Only if he tries something” Biggs replied wanting her to know the truth. “Thanks for the heads up” he told her gratefully.

Logan sat at his computer trying to work but it just wouldn’t happen. He had lost Max. He had lost the love of his life to a selfish, murdering son of a bitch. Of all the transgenics he had come across Alec had to be the worst. Zack had been a freak but at least he was a leader and wasn’t such a screw up. Transgenics, they were all fucking time bombs waiting to happen. Well all except Max. She’s perfect.

It had been a week since the incident happened and he believed it was time he called her. ‘Obviously she would’ve calmed down by now’ he thought as he picked up his phone and dialled her pager number.

Rafer steps out of the ambulance and opens both doors. His partner jumps in and releases the brakes on the stretcher. They roll her into the hospital where they get hounded by nurses and a doctor.

“Gunshot wound to the abdomen. Airways clear, but respirations are shallow. Pulse 135 and thready.” Rafer replied. He had taken all the necessary tests while in the ambulance.

“Blood pressure?” the doctor asked

“Eighty over forty and dropping. Belly’s indurated and distended. Bullet might’ve nicked a blood vessel.”


“Good motion and sensitivity. No indication of a spinal cord injury.”

“Prep her for surgery”

“Come on, people! Hurry it up” the doctor instructed as the paramedics rolled her into an operating room.

“She’s lost a lot of blood” Rafer added as they prepared to move her to the operating table.

“One, two, three” The doctor counted as they moved her.

“Where am I?” Max groggily asked. She knew she was at the hospital due to the hospital smell but she wanted it confirmed.

“Harbor Lights Medical. You’ve had an accident, but we’re going to take care of you now. Is there anyone we can call? What’s your name?” the doctor asked.

“I can’t stay” Was Max’s only reply as she rips off her oxygen tube. ‘Exposure. Alec where are you?’

“Her name’s Max.” Rafer told the doctor.

“Max try to relax. They’re going to take good care of you” Rafer said but she only fought harder this time she tried to sit up but was gently pushed back down.

“Hang three units O-neg. Get her typed and cross- matched” the doctor instructed to the nurses.

“No tests!” Max cried weakly.

“It’s ok, Max. Please try to relax” Rafer tried again stroking her hair as a nurse rushed towards Max and injected her with a sedative instantly knocking her into unconsciousness.

Throughout all the noise and activity nobody in the operating room heard the pager beeping and flashing at their patient’s hip.


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Chapter 17

Rafer stood leaning on the doorway staring into the room where Max lay. He had just finished his shift and had found out the room where Max had been placed in. Her surgery had gone well, even though she had lost a lot of blood.

Watching her sleep Rafer smiled. She was so beautiful and looked so innocent. Besides seeing her that morning, it had been a few months since he last saw her but yet, he had been unable to get her out of his mind. That’s what irked him the most. What was so special about her that held him in? That had made her impossible to forget?

He knew it was beyond the physical, even though she was beyond the average good looking female. In simple words she was gorgeous. But what made her more intriguing was that she made no effort to look the way she looked. She was a natural beauty.

When Max whimpered as if having a bad dream, he pulled himself out of his thoughts, pushed himself off the wall and moved towards her bed. As if she felt his presence in her subconscious state, she turned her face towards him. Smiling Rafer reached out a hand and stroked the side of her face. The smile left his face when she made a distressed sound in her throat and turned her face the other way, away from him.

Letting his hand drop Rafer huffed and decided to go and get something to drink. The doctor’s had said she would be out for a few hours, due to all the sedatives they had given her.

Pacing up and down, Logan silently sulked. It had been over an hour since he had paged Max and she was yet to get back to him. Deciding it would be best to go and see her instead; he walked over to the closet and pulled out his coat. Grabbing his keys he was just about to open the door when the phone rang. Grinning broadly, Logan rushed to the phone.

“Hello?” he said excitedly.

“Hello. To whom am I speaking?” A female voice asked. Realizing that it was not Max, Logan sighed heavily.

“Well, that depends. To whom am I speaking?”

“Sorry” the woman replied not really sounding sorry at all. “This is Julie Camby. I’m a nurse in the emergency room at Harbor Lights. And you are?”

“Still wondering why you’re calling me.” Logan replied boorishly.

Julie sighed. “We treated a young woman this morning by the name Max for a gunshot wound. She didn’t have any identification on her, only her pager, and yours was the last number to call in.” she reluctantly explained.

Logan stared at the phone as if the person on the other line was playing a joke on him.

“Still, with me. Sir?” Julie asked

Logan cleared his throat “Max is a popular name, would you mind describing the woman you treated?”

Rolling her eyes she half-heartedly replied “five-six, long brown hair, pretty, barcode tattoo on the back of her neck.”

His heart constricted He croaked out “Is she okay?”

“Her doctor tells me she’s doing fine. Been out of surgery about an hour now, she’s resting.”

“Can I see her?”

“I can’t issue a guest pass unless I know your name.” The nurse replied in a matter of fact tone.

“Eastman. Logan Eastman.” Logan replied quickly typing away on his computer.

“Ok. Do you by any chance know her surname?” Julie asked.


“What’s your relation to the patient?” when she received no answer she explained “I need to know to write it down on the guest pass”

“She’s my wife”

Alec, Biggs and Cece were getting frustrated. They had been at the hospital for a little over an hour and the place was crowded, well more crowded than usual.

Getting in from the front doors was the worst. The place had the media swarming all over the place, as well as cops. Cops with guns in a hospital. Sharing a look with the others, Alec sighed. This was not good. This was not good at all.

Finally tired of waiting Alec cocked his head to the side indicating the other’s to follow him. Waiting around was useless. They could’ve easily broken into the nurse’s station and searched the files but they didn’t know what they were looking for. Besides the longer they waited the higher risk they had of someone seeing her barcode, which meant White wouldn’t be far away.

Just as he was about to go through the door that led to the stairway, his sensitive hearing picked up Logan’s voice and he froze. He turned abruptly and stared at Logan’s back who was talking to a nurse.

“My name is Logan Eastman. I spoke to a nurse earlier about my wife who was treated for a gunshot wound.”

“Yes. You spoke to me” the nurse answered.

“Right. May I see her?” he replied shortly.

“Certainly. I’ll take you to her” the nurse said as she made her way out of the nurse’s station and indicated for Logan to follow her.


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Chapter 18

Max’s eyes snapped open. Taking in her surroundings and the beeping of the heart monitor attached to her forefinger, she groaned. ‘Great, hospital. Just what I wanted.’

She moved her arm slightly to pull out the needles attached to the IV stand and almost blacked out from the pain in her gut. ‘What a bitch’

Groaning in agony, she took deep breaths and quickly pulled the needles out.

Hearing faint footsteps on the corridor, Max tensed. Pushing down her disappointment that Alec had not shown up, she placed one hand on her lower abdomen and the other on the side of the bed to brace her movements. Slowly sliding her legs to hang off the bed, she clutched the side of the mattress and willed herself to sit up. Biting her lip to stop from screaming out in pain, she sat up and quickly stood on shaky feet, one hand still on the bed as the room began to swim.

She could hear the footsteps getting louder but she was in too much pain to move. Leaning into the bed with both palms on the mattress and eyes closed, she took deep breaths.

The footsteps were now outside her door.

The door opened and a nurse stared at her, obviously shocked to see her standing.

“Mrs Eastman, you really shouldn’t be on your feet, you know.”

‘What? Mrs Eastman?’ then shrugging inwardly she replied “Oh. Sorry”

The nurse smiled “You have a visitor”

“I do?” Even though she sounded sceptical she couldn’t help the smile that broke out on her face and the fuzzy warm feeling she got inside.

The nurse’s smile widened as she noticed Max’s reaction. Nodding she said “Mm-hmm your husband’s been waiting to see you.”

‘Husband?’ well no-one’s ever accused Alec of not being creative’ she thought smirking at the thought of him being her husband.

The smile dropped from her smile when Logan stepped into the room, his face split into a grin from ear to ear.

“Hello Max.”

Not knowing what else to say and very aware that the nurse was staring at her, she forced a smile and replied “Hey, you”.

Obviously satisfied the nurse looked between the two and said “ Visiting hours are over in a couple of minutes. Try to keep it short.”

When Max nodded the nurse turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Disappointed and feeling stupid, Max hung her head letting her hair cover her face as she furiously blinked back the tears that threatened to spill.

“So how’re you feeling?” Logan asked as an attempt to make conversation, not noticing her distress.

Shaking her head while refusing to answer his question she asked “Why are you here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you here?” she repeated more harshly than she had intended.

“I came to see how you were.” Logan replied deciding to ignore her harsh tone towards him. 'She’s just stressed and worried because she’s in a hospital. She’s worried about exposure’ “Don’t worry you’re safe. I got Sam Carr to take over your case. He’s going to look out for you. Nobody will be the wiser.”

Sighing deeply Max finally looked at him “Logan. I don’t want you here” she noticed the door opening and her eyes widened.

“Who do you want? Alec? Well I hate to break this to you Max but he‘s not here.” Logan harshly replied smiling with satisfaction when he saw her flinch, he knew his words had hit home.

“Why don’t you lie down and relax” he directed pointing to the bed.

“Why don’t you leave” A voice stated from behind him.

Spinning around to face the voice, Logan’s eyebrows rose when he saw a young, good-looking dark haired guy standing by the door holding a cup of coffee.

“Who the hell are you” he asked deeply irritated.

“That doesn’t matter. Max said she doesn’t want you here so please leave”

Logan’s head snapped back to Max. “You know this guy?” he cried incredulously

“Yes. Yes I do. Rafer. Logan. Logan. Rafer “ she introduced indicating to both guys. “Now leave.”

Logan stared at her not knowing what to say. When he made no move to leave the room, Rafer stepped in.

“Look Man, she asked you to leave. She’s just come out of surgery and doesn’t need any stress. So do us all a favour and leave”

“Why don’t you both leave” A new voice harshly declared.


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Chapter 19

Running up the stairs two at a time but stopping at each floor to see if the elevator had stopped, Alec, Biggs and Cece finally sighed in relief when they heard the ‘bing’ of the elevator and when they saw the nurse accompanied by Logan exit the elevator, indicating that this was the floor Max was on. Taking cover in an empty looking room, the three transgenic’s strained their hearing while watching everything around them.

Clutching the door as a way to stop himself from launching at Logan, Alec gritted his teeth. He sighed with relief when he heard the door open and footsteps walk down the hall. Tilting his head to Biggs and Cece, Alec stepped out of the room. As they walked up the corridor they saw a dark haired guy wearing a paramedic’s uniform, enter the room with a coffee in his hand. Suppressing a growl at random guys going into his mates room, Alec increased the pace of his steps.

He could hear voices from inside the room but Logan’s patronizing loud voice stood out.
Rolling his eyes and at the same time clenching his fists, Alec opened the door and stepped in with Biggs and Cece following in tow.

“Why don’t you both leave?” he harshly voiced having heard the last few minutes of their conversation. He looked at the two males with stone cold eyes and watched as they both took involuntary steps back. Logan’s face paled.

“Alec” Max whispered breathlessly.

Alec’s eyes swung to Max and his breath caught in his throat. The coldness that was previously in his eyes were replaced by such warmth that it somehow warmed up the cold hospital room.

He stared at her and noticed how pale she was.

“Hey Maxie” he said softly. He noticed her holding on to the bed and slowly walked towards her, the other two men temporarily forgotten. His mate was first priority.

“Lie down Maxie, you shouldn’t be standing” he informed her softly giving her his hand to hold. When she nodded and placed her smaller hand in his bigger one Alec inwardly smiled.

His brow furrowed when he noticed the sweat beads on her forehead. Supporting her as she lay back down he smiled sympathetically when she winced in pain and her breathing increased. He gave her hand a soft squeeze and with his other hand wiped the sweat from her head at the same time stroking her hair lovingly.

“How‘re you feeling?” he quietly asked still stroking her hair.

“I’ve been shot in the gut Alec, how do you think I feel?”

Chuckling softly to himself, he leaned in and kissed her softly on her temple.

“Alec. Get me out of here.” she said clutching onto his hand tightly when he made a move from her.

“I will. Don’t worry Maxie. Rest for a while, ok.” he told her softly. He smiled when she nodded her head and closed her eyes.

He reached over her bed and grabbed the clipboard with her file attached to it. Checking the file he saw that they had taken her blood to be tested. He read the name and turned to Cece, knowing that Biggs was gonna have to stay to keep him from committing murder.

“Cece…Max Eastman.” he said pointedly looking at her so that she knew what he wanted. She nodded her and quietly exited the room.

Once she was gone, Alec finally turned to the other men in the room. Fixing a cold hard glare at the dark-haired guy he asked “Who are you?”

“That doesn’t matter. Who the hell are you”

Biggs snorted. Alec’s eyebrow rose and his eyes flashed. Rafer obviously realised that he had crossed the line because he gulped but refrained from losing eye contact . Alec inwardly smiled. This guy had guts, if Max wasn’t in hospital and this was a different situation, he would of laughed and given the guy props.

“I’m someone who should be here. You’re not. So again, who are you?” Alec repeated harshly.


“What are you doing here?” Alec questioned his eyes still flashing.

“I’m the paramedic. I was called at the scene.” Rafer replied

“I got that.” Alec shortly replied. “Why are you here?”

“Max is a friend.”

“Well thanks for staying with her, but you’re not needed.” Alec calmly told him.

“Oh please Alec, what are you going to do. I’ve already called Sam Carr, he has everything covered.” Logan boorishly replied smirking openly.

“Logan, Logan, Logan.” Alec tsked his hazel-green eyes flashed as he took a menacing step towards him. Logan’s eyes widened with fear but made no other sign indicating his fear.

“You‘ve seemed to have forgotten our last conversation. What did I tell you would happen if you were to go near Max?”

“I I I ….The hospital called me” Logan stammered quickly but yelped when Alec’s hand went around his throat.

“Explain to me how the hospital got your number Logan.” Alec asked seemingly calm as he lifted Logan off the floor by his neck.

“Dude what the hell are you doing?” Rafer cried, his eyes as wide as saucers.

“I I I ….”Logan squeaked, clawing at Alec’s fingers as his breathing became laboured.

“I’m waiting Logan “ Alec taunted in a sing song voice .

When Logan’s face started changing colour Rafer moved forward to intercept, but was stopped himself when Biggs clamped a hand on his shoulder. Spinning around Rafer threw a punch at Biggs who managed to lean back, the punch missing him by a few inches. Biggs other hand blurred and grabbed the fist and squeezed.

“Owww” Rafer wailed his mouth hanging open in pain. While he dropped to his knee. Bigg’s other fist swung back and made contact with Rafer’s face. Not with the force to break his neck but with enough to knock him out.

“I. Paged. Her” Logan managed to get out, clutching onto Alec’s fingers trying to weaken the hold which remained the same if not worse.

Alec smiled though it wasn’t pretty. It was a predatory smile.

He pulled Logan’s face closer to him so that he was whispering into his ear “Do you know how easy it is for me to snap your pathetic little neck?” Alec asked conversationally squeezing Logan’s throat tighter.


“Pathetic” Alec snarled disgusted as he let Logan drop to the floor. He watched as Logan clutched at his own throat wheezing deeply. Grabbing Logan’s collar, he pulled him up so that he was standing and sucker punched him hard causing him to slump back onto the floor.

Cece walked back into the room with the vials named Max Eastman and stared at the two unconscious bodies on the floor.

“Should I even ask?” she cried dismayed.

“I wouldn’t bother” Bigg’s replied smiling smugly.

“Hey they’re alive aren’t they? They should count themselves lucky, I just don’t want trouble in a hospital. Alright. Let’s go.” Alec said as he walked towards Max, wrapping the sheets around her to keep her warm. Alec softly shook her awake.

“Hey Maxie. Time for us to go, ok.?”

“Ok” she replied sleepily without opening her eyes.

Sliding one arm under her knees and the other around her back, Alec slowly raised her off the bed and securely into his arms.


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Chapter 20

On a driving range, White is hitting golf balls into the harbor. His cell phone, which is lying on the ground, rings. White leaves it on the ground and opens it with his golf club.

“This better be important.” He said menacingly as he carried on hitting the golf balls.

“It is, sir” The voice on the line hurriedly replied.

Sighing loudly White replied “Alright. Hit me Otto.”

“Communications intercepted a call from Harbor Lights Medical. Seems they’re treating a patient for a gunshot wound.” Otto replied breathlessly, obviously excited. After weeks of no news about the transgenics, this was great news.

“And I should find this interesting because…?” White asked, his patience wavering.

“The patient’s a female with long brown hair, five-six and has a barcode tattoo on the back of her neck. Sir we think it’s 452.”

White smiled smugly mentally taking a moment to reward himself for coming up with the idea to intercept the calls made by hospitals, in hope of finding a transgenic.

“Are you still there, Sir? Otto hesitantly asked his voice losing the excitement.

“Still here, Otto. Assemble the team. We’ll rendezvous in five.” White instructed as he hit another ball.

“Yes, sir”

Biggs and Cece walked down the hall checking to see if it was clear. The hospital was impossible to move around. There were cops everywhere, although this was nothing knew, it just seemed that there were more today.

Biggs discreetly holding his gun behind his back nodded for Alec to come out of the room. Re-adjusting the sleeping Max properly in his arms, they made their way down the stairs, knowing it would be too risky getting the elevators.

“We’re gonna have to leave from the ground floor. Max can’t go out the window, she’ll undo her stitches.” Cece told them

“Yeah. I saw a steel door earlier. There were two guards walking up and down that corridor but apart from them it was empty.” Bigg’s voiced.

“I’ll take care of it” Alec told them.

Once they reached the ground floor of the hospital which was the busiest due to the emergency room. Alec softly placed Max in Biggs arms. She turned her head slightly seeking out Alec’s scent but when he made shushing sounds and stroked her hair she settled back down. Leaving them in an abandoned room, Alec walked down the hall towards the corridor with the two guards.

Alec walked passed the front lobby and stealthily walking behind a cop, who didn’t notice him. He slid into the corridor blurring fast and took out both guards before they had a chance to do anything.

Satisfied that they weren’t gonna wake up soon, Alec made his way back to the room where Biggs, Cece and Max were in. With his hand on the door he froze, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. Turning around he noticed White walk into the hospital through the front doors and walk past the front desk where he was stopped by a policeman.

“Can’t let you through here, sir.” The cop said holding up a hand to stop him.

Impatiently White flashed his I.D. “Special Agent Ames White, FBI. I’m here for Max Eastman.”

The policeman nodded and pointed to the desk. “They will tell you which room she’s in”.

Nodding his head White turned to walk to the desk when he felt eyes on him. When his eyes landed on Alec his eyes widened but then he smiled wolfishly. Alec’s eyes flashed and White’s smile slightly faltered.

Alec holding onto White’s gaze moved from the door the others were in and made his way to the door where the stairs were. Knowing that White would soon follow.

“Can I help you?” A nurse asked. Turning quickly to look at the nurse, he realised that he had walked to the desk without realizing it. Quickly swinging his eyes back to the spot where 494 stood he growled when he saw the spot empty.

“I’m here for Max Eastman” he said quickly wanting to beat 494 before he reached her room.

“I’m sorry. Visiting hours are over.” The nurse replied apologetically.

Rolling his eyes, white glared at her and flashed his badge. “FBI. Special Agent Ames White. Now tell me which room. Hurry up I have things to do” White snarled as the nurse started typing on the computer. Once the nurse told him where to go White ran to the door where the stairs were already pulling out his gun.


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dark angel, da fic:cheaters, fanfiction, nc-17

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