Dark angel fic : Cheaters chapters 1-5 (M/A)

Mar 27, 2007 18:21

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Thank you to tigriswolf for beta'ing

Chapter 1


Max and Original Cindy sat at their usual table at the back of Crash near the pool table, nursing their beers. Max found it fun to just chill with her girl and not worry for a few hours about anything. Lately she’d been so stressed by everything. White was constantly on her ass; between helping other transgenics, looking after Joshua, and doing Logan’s 'Eyes only' stuff, she felt like she was stretching herself too thin: she had no time for herself anymore. The virus thing with Logan was the most pressing thing, and it worried her the most

“Why’s it gotta be so damn hard?” Max suddenly exclaimed, surprising OC. “We’ve been through so much together… him getting shot, the Eyes Only stuff, me getting recaptured, and now the virus - it’s just one thing after another.”

“Boo, you know as well as I do that everythin’ happens for a reason. You just gotta be patient - all things come in good time,” OC said to her friend

“Yeah,” Max sighed dejectedly. “But maybe it’s a sign. I mean it’s gotta be - our whole relationship, whether it can be called friends or something more, started because I felt guilty that he was shot. And if that isn’t a bad omen from the start then I don’t know what is,” she persisted.

“Now, sugah, you know you gotta come correct on that. I ain’t seen you on TV pulling no trigger; there is just no way in hell you could feel guilty about that,” OC insisted.

Max didn’t know what else to say or add to that comment so she stayed quiet.

“Where is he anyway? I thought you two had plans?” OC asked curiously

“Oh, he cancelled saying something about meeting an informant,” Max answered dismissively.

“He with Blondie?”

Nodding her head and taking a sip, Max answered, “Probably. I mean they’re practically attached at the hip.”

“And that don’t bother you?” OC inquired.

“Nah, he ain’t the cheating type unlike another guy I know. Logan loves me and he’s always going on about how we’re gonna beat this bitch and finally be together,” she said, smiling slightly.

“Okay, that’s nice. See, all you gotta do is have faith, and about the other guy you know: well, I think he’s experimentin’ with all these honeys - wait ‘til he finds himself a keeper, and trust me when I say he won’t step out of line.”

“Geez, OC! Do you hear yourself?” Max laughed. “This is Alec we’re talking about; the guy refuses to keep a girl for a week - how’s he ever gonna commit?”

“Trust me on this, Boo, Original Cindy knows what she’s talking about here. Don’t let his façade fool you - when he finds himself a keeper, you’ll see, and I’ll be there to say I told you so,” OC answered confidently.

Unbeknownst to Max and OC, Logan had just walked in holding Asha’s hand. They walked through the crowds together and found a small table in the corner where they could have their privacy and not be interrupted by who they thought were low-life’s all around them. Deep down, Logan hated Crash because it represented everything he hated: the low life minimum wage workers who spent all their money (which wasn’t a lot, anyway) drinking themselves into stupors. He never understood why Max loved it here or why she even chose to associate herself with such people. She was a beautiful girl, with the brains and the body, and she could find a better job anywhere but she chose to stay in the rut. If only she would follow his example and mingle with better people than ‘the gang,’ he would be so much happier.

The funny thing was, even though he had been creeping around with Asha for a while now, and he was holding her hand out in the open on the table and kissing her, Logan did not believe that he was cheating on Max. It’s not like we even have a proper relationship. I mean, if she touches me or I touch her, I die, he thought to himself. That still didn’t mean he wanted Max to see them together. Or at least on some level. Smirking, he thought, It would break her heart, she’s so into me. He looked around cautiously, and when he didn't see her, he let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. Then he turned his attention back to the pretty blonde who would lay her life on the line for him.

“Damn, where’s Sketchy and Alec tonight? It’s kinda dry, huh?” OC asked

“Dunno…they probably went to that strip joint again. I’m gonna grab another pitcher,” Max added. She grabbed the now empty pitcher and made her way to the bar, signaled to the bartender for another pitcher, and turned around to sweep the place with her back leaning against the bar.


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Thank you to tigriswolf for beta'ing

Chapter 2

As her eyes swept across the room, she noticed a couple in the corner at the back. She could only see the back of the man’s spiky, dirty-blond hair and his tall frame. The woman, though, she had no problem seeing; it was times like these that Max loved her cat-sight. Even though they were in the dark, Max could see the short blonde hair that belonged to none other than Asha. She could also see the blush working its way from her neck to her face, and the small shy smile that shone brightly on her soft features.

Aww, Asha’s on a date. I wonder who with, Max wondered to herself.

As she watched, the guy turned his head slightly and Max saw the side of his face.

Max gasped loudly as she recognized Logan. “What the hell?” She received odd looks from the people next to her.

Calm down, Max, it’s probably nothing. They always have drinks at Crash-it doesn’t mean anything, she reasoned with herself.

It seemed as if the fates were against her because Logan chose that moment to lean in and kiss Asha passionately.

Yeah, that definitely looks like nothing, Max screamed sarcastically.

“Oh my god, oh my fucking god,” she choked out.

All of a sudden a wave of dizziness hit her and she clutched the bar as her knees threatened to give way, her knuckles turned white from her grip, as her vision swam and blurred. When sobs threatened to come out, she realized that the blurriness of her vision was due to the tears in her eyes. Sucking up what was left of her pride, Max cautiously let go of the bar and made her way to the exit, the back door of Crash, totally forgetting about the pitcher of beer and OC waiting for her at their table.

There’s absolutely no fucking way I’m gonna break down and cry in the middle of Crash, in front of all these people. Fuck that, there’s absolutely no way in hell am I gonna let him see me cry, she told herself with determination.

She walked out of the doors and looked around the empty, dark alleyway. Sliding down the wall, she finally let her resolve fall to pieces the way her world had fallen.

As the sobs wracked her small body, all she could think of was escaping; she needed to clear her head. Jumping on her bike, she raced to the Needle at break-neck speed where she could think and figure out what to do next.


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Thank you to tigriswolf for beta'ing

Chapter 3

Max raced through the streets of Seattle until she reached the Space Needle. Climbing off her bike, she ran up the stairs to the top, where she slumped down.

“Oh my god, what am I going to do?” she spoke to the dark night as tears blurred her vision.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, soldier, suck it up! her conscience screamed at her. You’re Max Guevara, X5-452-better yet: The Bitch. You are not gonna sit here and cry over a lying, cheating asshole, d’ya hear me? she reprimanded herself.

‘Ok, here’s what we’re gonna do-it’s quite simple, really, when you think about it. I mean, all we gotta do is pay him back right, but who’s worthy? Who would drive Logan up the wall... Alec!

“Jesus, Max, you’re brilliant,” she praised herself, starting to feel better. “Logan has always felt inferior to Alec, always seen Alec as a threat. He’s not gonna be happy about me being with Alec. Now all I have to do is convince Alec”

Max lay there trying to work out a way to get Alec to agree, determination taking over every bone in her body.

“Do I lie to him by telling him I’ve got the hots for him and I want him to be my ‘squeeze,’ as OC would put it?” Hell no, I can’t do that-knowing Alec I’ll never be able to live it down.

“Or do I tell him the truth: that I need us to act like a couple so that Logan would think I cheated on him?

“I think I’ll go for the truth. I mean, how bad can it be? We understand each other, me and Alec-he’ll do this for me. Won’t he?”

Well, only one way to find out.

Finally getting up from her spot, Max walked back down the stairs to her bike. Jumping on, she made her way to Alec’s apartment. Once outside his door, a sense of wariness overtook her. Please let him be home and please let him be alone, she silently pled.

She started pacing in front of his door and biting her nails, mentally and physically preparing herself for what she had to do.


Alec was lying there on his couch, channel surfing; he wasn’t really in the mood for doing anything constructive.

His sensitive hearing picked up light footsteps outside his door. It sounded as if somebody was pacing back and forth. Curious, he walked to his door and pulled it open, shocking Max in the process.

He looked down at her with genuine shock and confusion. Seeing her tear-stained face, his expression turned into concern.

“Max… you alright?” he asked cautiously

Max, seeing the concern on his gorgeous face, broke down again. She shook her head as tears filled her eyes and her bottom lip quivered.

Alec grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as she sobbed her heart out onto his t-shirt. With his strong arms wrapped around her she felt safe, so she snuggled closer into his broad chest, still crying.

“Shh, Maxie… don’t cry,” Alec soothed, as he rubbed her back lightly. His touch was comforting and it seemed to work because her sobs were subduing.

“Alec,” Max called quietly

“Yeah, Maxie?” he answered

“Thanks… you know, for this.” She pointed at his wet T-shirt, now clinging to his chest.

“Anytime, Maxie…you wanna blow your nose on it too?” he joked, trying to lighten the mood

“Ass,” she replied, but a small smile still appeared on her face

“Always.” He grinned, glad that he made her smile

“Alec,” Max said again, serious. “I need your help.”


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Chapter 4

He didn’t like the way she said that, there was something in her tone. He could tell by the way she said it that nothing good was going to come out of what she wanted him to do. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as he tried to think of all the things she could need him for ‘please its probably got something to do with Logan and his eye’s only stuff, but then why would she be all upset and crying over that?’ he asked himself.

Max could practically hear the wheels turning in his head but his face remained expressionless except for the narrowed eyes. ‘This is gonna be hard’ she warned herself.

‘Max needs my help, wow this is either serious or dangerous’ he thought.

Pushing his thoughts aside he asked the question he was dying to know

“What do you need my help with Max” he watched her as she tried to avoid his eyes.

Her eyes seemed glued to her boots and she was biting her nails. He had never seen Max bite her nails except for when she was real nervous.

“Ok Max you’re starting to worry me now” he told her softly but with an edge in his voice. “What’s going on?”

“I need your help” she repeated

“Yeah we covered that part Max” Alec told her hinting a bit of impatience in his voice.

Max was getting more nervous by the second ‘just tell him already’ she screamed at herself.

“Alec please don’t get mad but I need us to act like were together” she quickly told him, not looking at him

“What!” he exclaimed genuinely shocked

“Alec please, before you say no hear me out” Max begged tears forming in her eyes again.

‘Geez why does she have to cry?’ he thought sadly. Sighing he nodded.

“Max tell me what’s going on now, I don’t want any excuses just tell me the truth?”

“Logan’s been cheating on me…” she started

“What, come on Max this is Logan we’re talking about, you know the do-gooder” Alec interrupted

“With Asha” Max finished.

Alec started laughing, he couldn’t help it this was just hilarious.

Max looked up at him sharply “Oh you think this is funny” she screeched “I’m standing here telling you the love of my life has been cheating on me with some blonde bimbo and your laughing at me….in front of my face, Jesus Alec how insensitive can you get?” she yelled tears streaming down her face.

“That’s not why I was laughing Max” Alec tried to explain

“Oh yeah then what’s so fucking funny…come on humour me, god knows I could do with some laughter right now” she replied angrily.

“Max you’re not being rational, Asha and Logan work together you know with saving the unfortunate or whatever” Alec started but seeing the look on her face he stopped

“Ok where did you see them?” He would never admit it to Max or anyone but he was kind of excited in a way, Logan cheating? Wow this was big.

“At crash” Max replied quietly. Alec’s eyebrow shot up

“At crash Max?” he asked dismayed

“Don’t look at me like that, he lied to me, we were supposed to meet up but he cancelled because he said that they were going to meet an informant” she started

“I didn’t mind because that’s just how Logan is he always puts the cause before anything. Anyway there I am at the bar waiting for my pitcher of beer and I see them in a dark corner near the back, talking quietly and with her blushing like a high school girl” she fumed

“Ok, Max they could have just been talking” Alec tried although even he couldn’t see why Asha would blush if they were just talking, so he shrugged his shoulders and thought ‘Women’.

“That’s what I thought I was gonna walk over just to say hi and see what they were doing when Logan…” she cut off as her voice broke

“Logan what?” Alec asked anxiously

“He..he leaned in and kissed her” Max told him quietly. Alec inaudibly gasped ‘what the fuck I’m so gonna kill the bastard’

“He kissed her passionately, the way he had never kissed me before” she carried on with her faraway and quiet voice.

Alec not knowing what else to do took her in his arms again and rocked her side to side. “It’s ok Max you’ll get over this” he told her softly

“No” she shook her head “ I have to pay him back, I need to hurt him the way he’s hurt me” she replied determinedly.

Alec said nothing but carried on rocking and holding her tightly.

“Alec please, I’m sure you can see why I need to do this, Alec please say you’ll help me” she pleaded with him as she looked into his eyes. Alec just stood quietly as he stared into her eyes, he could see so much hurt but yet he could also see trust. ‘Is the trust there because of me’ he wondered silently.

After a while he finally said “Ok Max I’ll help”


Reviews make me very happy.

Title: Cheaters
Author: sanaazzy
Genre: Drama/Angst/Humour
Rating: M to NC-17
Status: WIP Multi-chaptered
Summary: Logan cheats on Max with Asha, Max finds out and wants revenge, so what better way to do that than hook up with Alec!MA

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything

Chapter 5

“Just so we’re on the same page, what is it exactly that you want, better yet, need me to do” Alec asked

“Well you know the usual boyfriend stuff” Max answered trying to sound casual, but deep down, she honestly didn’t know ‘It’s not like I’ve actually had a decent relationship before’ she defended herself.

“Hmm does that mean no hitting” he asked smirking “I mean I’m your boyfriend right and you’re in love me, so therefore if you were to hit me all the time people would get suspicious”.

“Ok ok no hitting, but if we’re gonna do this we have to do it fully, we can’t be half-assed about it” she told him “otherwise Logan and OC would suspect things, and you know how OC is”.

“Wait, does that mean we have to act like a serious, serious couple, meaning we hold hands, kiss and I don’t mean little pecks, and have mind-blowing sex” he asked backing away from her with a cheeky grin and wiggling his eyebrows.

“Shut-up you stupid ass” she screamed going after him, though the corners of her mouth were twitching.

“Ok I’m sorry” Alec yelled holding up his hands in defence. He put on a serious face when she stopped chasing him.

“Hey Max, um I know its kind of late me asking this but why are you dragging me into this, I mean you’re a hot chick you can get any guy?” Alec asked genuinely curious.

Max shrugged her shoulders “Logan’s always felt inferior to you” she told him

His eyebrows shot up “care to elaborate?”

“Umm I’m not quite sure but I think it has something to do with you being a hot, capable and willing X5.” Max answered not aware of what she had just said. The words just flowed out naturally.

But of course Alec noticed “So Maxie? You think I’m hot huh” he asked with a smirk and his head tilted to the side as he watched her intently.

Max realising what she said blushed crimson “Umm No…” she shook her head “I just …that’s not what I meant…I thought….oh shut up” she stuttered finally giving up.

Alec threw his head back and laughed ‘wow Max called him hot and now she was stuttering, wow never thought I’d see the day’.

“Ok now that’s all sorted lets go to crash and act like a couple” Max told him nodding her head towards the door.

“Are you sure I mean don’t you think we’re rushing it a bit I personally would prefer to practice kissing, so when we do it in public it will seem normal for us” Alec suggested with a smirk.

Max laughed, a genuine laugh, she hadn’t laughed like that in ages ‘Wow Alec really is something’ she thought happily.

Alec smiled as he watched her laugh ‘damn she looks beautiful when she laughs’ then all of a sudden his smile changed into a grimace “Ok who are you and what have you done to Max?” he questioned

“What Alec of course it’s me why would you think it was someone else” she asked him with a frown

“Umm maybe because I just suggested that we kiss and I’m not in pain or worse dead”. Alec exaggerated.

“Well as you said earlier I can’t have you with bruises people will talk, and if your dead then I won’t have a way of getting Logan back if your not there to kiss now will I Alec?” She asked putting on an innocent face.

“No” he cleared his throat “I guess not, so what are we waiting for lets go” he cried impatiently ushering her out the door. Max once again just laughed as they made their way down to her bike. Climbing on, they made their way back to crash.

As they walked into crash Max grabbed his hand and smiled somehow it felt right, ‘damn his hands are soft’ she marvelled.

To say that Alec was shocked when Max grabbed his hand was an understatement he was stunned speechless. There was no way in hell he anticipated that, honestly speaking he thought he was the one that was going to have to make the first move ‘but hey I’m not complaining’. He shrugged.

As they made their way to the bar Alec let go of Max’s hand and slung his arm around her shoulders pulling her close, shocking a few Jam Pony messengers that were present. Including OC and Sketchy who were sitting at their usual table, drinking their beers, talking and checking out the females.

“Ok am I seeing things right?” Sketchy asked OC blinking a few times as if to clear the vision in front of his eyes.

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes, I wouldn’t have ever believed it” OC replied thoroughly shocked.

Logan got up from his and Asha’s table and made his way to the bar to refill their glasses, a scotch for him and a tequila for Asha, as he neared the bar he stopped in his tracks, there in his plain view were Max and Alec ‘Wait that can’t be them, the guy’s got his arm over her shoulders if that was Max she would have broken his arm already, besides Max would never cheat on me especially with Alec’ he thought arrogantly.

Waiting for their drinks at the bar, a scotch for Alec and a beer for Max, they both felt eyes burning into their backs. With a distinct idea of who it was Alec turned to Max

“Urr Max remember what I mentioned earlier” he asked, she nodded her head and watched him curiously “Well I think we should practice that now if you get my drift” he finished staring at her wondering how she would react.

Nodding her head to show she understood she sighed deeply and leaned forward to capture his lips. The kiss was sweet at first but became passionate and intense as Max leaned into him wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss.

With his arms wrapped around her he pulled her closer into his body, he was amazed at how perfect they were for each other, she fit perfectly into him.

Ravishing his mouth, Max moaned into his mouth as her tongue duelled with his, she loved everything, his taste, his soft lips and the way he was kissing her. Unlike other kisses she had experienced this kiss was perfect, there wasn’t too much tongue and he wasn’t trying to dominate her. She felt her world narrow just to her and Alec.

Breathlessly they broke apart softly both moaning at the loss of contact. Nothing could ruin that moment; they stared into each other’s eyes trying to read the other.

They both snapped out of their little universe when Logan’s voice was heard screaming her name



Reviews make me very happy.

Next to chapter 6-10

dark angel, da fic:cheaters, fanfiction, nc-17

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