Every person should have a teacher like this in their lives...
Jan 29, 2014 08:27
I needed this talk in my life since I was 10 - I think we all do, right through out our lives, frankly. Never more so than on the social networking sites where young people are mistreated and abused, and made to feel like nothing, so others feel better and superior in doing so.
It didn't get said to me; but grew up with a mum who was a quiet rolemodel living it anyway. Grateful, to hear it eventually after being such a brat - and the only voices that mattered were of friends and peers on my self-worth. Fitting in. But sometimes, we all need the absolute uncensored wordage to truly get it. Especially when their own voice is drowned out by others that won't quit until they take that life away. It is unforgivable in every sense of the word.
This isn't a News Years Resolution. But a resolution nonetheless. When needed, I'm gonna say this to someone who needs it. Because these ones; are powerful enough to be heard above and beyond anything else that came before them, or after.