Hey...I just remembered I have a poetry thingy. But...I wanna post a poem on here too! Argh! What to choose?! Ah screw it, I'ma put the poem on here.
Deep in the darkness
my past is sealed,
everything I'll never be.
Isn't it pertty?! Dear god...I'm one strange person. Okiday...the guy I met name on here will be, "Wolf Boy" and if I forget...which I probably won't...I will eat a peice of candy. Hm...I like that idea. Candy. Jesus.
Oh...my friend Andrea mad me listen to a song on the phone...it was so beautiful. It was like...Jesus played a gee-tar solo and a unicorn crapped a rainbow in my brain. It was that freackin' wonderful.
Soooo....oh crap...I just remembered Barry can read this. Crap.
What Neon Genesis Evangelion character are you?