I was looking out of the window around lunchtime and spotted the landlord outside, talking into his mobile,. So, naturally, I opened the window a little way to see if he was talking about anything to do with the house. I think he was talking to someone he was supposed to be meeting, because he went up to a silver car parked nearby and waved at the driver. Driver was a smartly dressed young man, who got out and spoke to landlord. I heard the landlord say he'd been away all weekend, so hadn't spoken to the tenants yet. SmartYoungMan queried that the house was divided into four flats, and landlord told him there were three in the main part of the building, and a basement flat accessed at the back. They went down the alley at the side and spent a few minutes round the back, before returning and going their separate ways.
I could be wrong, but from the snatches of conversation, I don't think SmartYoungMan was a prospective tenant. Has Landlord decided to get an agent to run the place ? He started out by using one, but dispensed with their services after a year or two. Has landlord decided it's all too much expense/hassle, and decided to sell the house ? I guess I shall have to wait and see.
In completely unrelated news, I've completed a new Star Wars, which more or less answers
jaded_reality's Wedge/Tycho LotF challenge. It's in the Adult lounge at
Downtime. It's angst, but I thought you needed something nice in your life at the moment, so I wrote a story.