Today I drove a car on the public road for the first time in over 20 years. I was, you'll be relieved to know, in a dual-control car with a professional instructor. I have a full licence; I passed my test just days before my 18th birthday. That was a busy half-term, as I took my driving test on Monday, came to Sheffield Tues (by train) , had interviews at the university Weds and came home, and had my 18th birthday and party on Thurs. After that I drove Mum's Metro fairly regularly until I came up to Sheffield that September. I drove a handful of times during my time at university (including a short trip in a Jaguar XJS), but not really to speak of since 1988.
However, recently I applied for a change in my Disablilty Living Allowance. I was rather optimistically hoping for the Higher Rate Mobility component, for which you have to show that you're almost unable to walk, or only with 'severe discomfort'. At the time I applied, I was walking quite well and it was hard to remember just how bad it can be sometimes. The benefits advisor I went to said I was very much an outside chance, which is what I was thinking, really, However, the planets must have been aligned correctly, or something, as I not only was award Higher Rate, with no fuss, I got my answer within three weeks of sending in the application. As the letter says you should wait at least 11 weeks before asking what's happening, an answer from a govt. dept. in under three weeks is nothing short of miraculous !
Getting Higher Rate automatically qualifies me for a blue disabled parking badge, which I got the next day. It also means I can take advantage of the
Motability Scheme. I give them my DLA mobility money, and they give me a new car, with insurance, breakdown cover, road tax, servicing, tyres and window replacement. After three years, I hand the car back and choose another, brand new one. I get to choose the car I want, and can have adaptations done. Still got to pay for the petrol, which ain't cheap, but a pretty good deal. You can choose to take hire purchase, rather than renting, which is what my preferred option is.
So, not having driven for so long, I figured I'd better get some proper, supervized practice in first. And a new copy of the Highway code. Actually driving again is somewhat scary, but I want to do it. Today's lesson was good; stopping a little too sharply, and need to get back in tune with all the things you need to be aware of, and to do instinctively, without having to think. Still, it was coming back by the end of the lesson. I had some problems changing gear in certain directions - not used to the feel of the gear lever yet. It was rather disconcerting to look at too; leather covered, with leather wrapped around the shaft and coming up around the sides of the knob. Yes, it did look like a penis with the foreskin partially retracted. Still, I don't look at the gearstick generally when actually driving,
Looking forward to the next lesson on Monday.