Jun 26, 2009 17:04
PHA is a non-profit, San Diego based organization dedicated to raising awareness about postpartum depression and related disorders and providing treatment referrals to women who are struggling with them. We are a membership alliance of professionals and individuals working in our local community. Our primary objectives are:
* To increase the awareness of postpartum mood disorders
* To provide information, support, and referrals to the public
* To improve the availability of resources
* To offer education and training to professionals
We are currently seeking volunteer board members. We have an immediate need for a Treasurer.
As responsible board members we ask that each person:
- attend monthly board meetings and be an active participant (4th Wednesday of every month 6:30-8:30PM in La Jolla)
- Read the board minutes for accuracy and vote on board minutes
- Provide written committee chair reports to board in advance of meetings
- recruit committee members who will be active at the committee level but who will not be involved in the board meetings
- be diligent in your oversite of PHA
- Be a member in good standing of PHA
We have a special need for a treasurer. Our bank account is quite small so the duties are not intensive. However, we are planning to set up our accounts in Quick Books as soon as possible and begin developing standard forms for various functions. We receive no government funds and are a small membership based organization. We have never had more than $25,000 in our accounts.
Please contact us if you are interested
Holly Herring
Board President
Postpartum Health Alliance