Zombie Walk Anyone?

May 28, 2007 18:44

I'm putting together a zombiewalk somewhere in San Diego on the evening of June 30th (a Saturday / full moon).

For those not familiar with what a zombie walk is... I refer you to this from Wikipedia (because they explain it pretty well):A zombie walk (also known as a zombie march or zombie lurch) is an organized public gathering of two or more people who dress up in zombie costumes. Usually taking place in an urban centre, the participants make their way around the city streets and through shopping malls in a somewhat orderly fashion and often limping their way towards a local cemetery or other public space. During the event participants are encouraged to remain in character as zombies and to communicate only in a manner consistent with zombie behavior.
I'm thinking about making this a regular thing, if the first one is successful. There are infinite locations around San Diego that would be suitable: Balboa Park, the Gaslamp District, near Petco Park after a game, etc.

I'm looking for people who would be interested in participating as zombies and also one or two people who might be interested in helping me with organizing and whatnot.

Even if you're not interested, but know somebody who might be, please link them to this post, as I'd really like to get LOTS of people involved! :)

EDIT: http://www.sdzombiewalk.com & http://www.myspace.com/sandiegozombiewalk - YAY!

meetups, gaslamp, balboa park, outdoor activities, events, shows and theatre

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