First and foremost the most amazing thing happened. One of my classmates got me an Advent Calender. I thought it was the sweetest most amazing thing in the world and it makes my heart go AWWWWW.
Anyways, Zermatt was really, really fun. First and foremost: here are pictures: At the beginning of the Saturday, I rode on a train with some other exchange students, which was megafun and whatnot. And then when we got there, we got sent on really random quests from Rotary which included:
~find an egg, boil it, and return it.
~take a toilet cleaner and barter for something greater.
~find the cheapest and most expensive hotels in Zermatt
~and make an Advertisement for Zermatt (that is why I have a picture of two, shirtless south Americans . . . really, that is why.)
That was fun. Afterwards we went to the Alpine Museum which was cool and then afterwards, guess what I ate? Only my favorite food: FONDUE. Aaaaaah, so viele liebe für die kostlich fondue. Ahahaha.
Then we went back to a bar and boogied. It was so much fun: dancing and whatnot. But, I must admit, I did not know I could go so LOW. :O
Then we returned to the Youth Hostel and played cardgames and . . . yeah. That was it. The next morning we went to the top of the Little Matterhorn. It was really cold. D:.