"come on eileen.."

Aug 27, 2006 16:51

i was gonna come up here and post about nats 19th..but the other sam has beat me to it...oh well..im not that bothered to go into detail about the night its pretty much how sam recounted it though, i was the only one left still partying the night away and arriving home at 7am on sunday morning..wat to do when you dont have the money for a taxi, though a nice guy offers for you..spend 2/3hrs waiting at maccas til the buses start running again...fun times...i think i caught the flu from that..or from the many people that had it at college e.g. amanda, nat..yeh..college has been hoe hum though on weds i didnt survive sarahs contemp class coz my flu was giving me the total shits...and terri-ann being the lovely woman she is let me go home..thankz..so missed out on jazz and arts and culture (bore)..then went to the doctors who said take a fews days off..which was a blessing and a curse...coz shit..missed my last ballet lesson with tom :(...damn shoulda done partnering..oh well..but i watched moulin rouge which i hadnt seen in forever..though i still couldnt find patrick..i looked..ill have to see it again...what else..oh yeh when to banksmeadows fete yesterday..omg..soo many memories starting flashing back...even walking through the classrooms with manu and sarah where soooo surreal..we left messages in various rooms..mrs walshs, ms moffats and mr halls..oh gotta like stephen hall!...oh well..oh yeh i was looking on myspace...and found some peoples spaces that ive totally been crushing on..i would post em but i dont want their identities to be known..but yeh that totally surprised me..also worked my 2nd shift at toys r us..busy as per usual..and starting crushing on one of the managers..damn..i gotta learn to stop doing that..and i gotta stop sating oh well..my vocab is blah...but yeh im on msn talking to rotten totten aka aydan about nonsense and banksmeadow and his clothing line..which i hear good things about..gonna go now..ciao

banksmeadow, toys r us, work, party, boys, college, luke

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