Jun 26, 2006 18:35
yes..so as of yet i havent updated here and since my recent convos on msn have gone dry ive decided to reminsce on the past events..lets see..well last week i had 2 exams (yay) which i think i totally failed..on tuesday i had good old testament..lovely 3hr lecture/class..which is not beneficial to me or my degree whatsoever..but anyway..i totally failed that thought she gave us a cheat sheet to use..on thursday i had body science..eh it was ok..a bit boring and i mostly bullshitted my lengthy answers..oh yeah last sunday was jaimes 18th (finally) and was all in fun and joy..cake was had, alcohol was present and chocolates were consumed (sorry who owned the roses..everyone was there in fashion..well like the good old times..adrian with his famous fire breathing act...and the rest all being drunk/wasted as usual..what else..some other things occured that night that i cant recall at the moment except everyone left at about 3ish..and my mother being the nice and caring person that she is offered to drive a tired/tipsy cherty home :)..sarah was present also..yay..i dont think i woulda survived if she wasnt there..hmm what else..i think thats about it..i finally grabbed myself a copy of That Night with gorg c.thomas howell yipppppppppeeee now ive just gotta wait for it..i also feeding my mmc fix bought the best of xtina/jt and briters dvd..its ok..at least jc and tony are on there..yummy..well i think ill finish i was gonna post the only pic that i have of my "college" friends excluding some others but nah im too lazy..anyway buh bye..oh yeah rocky horror is on this sat night..so excited..thank god for frank-n-furter