(no subject)

Jun 30, 2011 01:57

Slipped uviverses again. Sometimes I wish the phenomena didn't show itself through pop-culture ephemera so redily. Then again, were it more significant, I'd probably find myself locked away after arguing the geopolitical ramifications of the Sino-Korean War one too many times. Or the social-psycho effects of uTunes upon Macintapple's consumer base. (Both of which I have fleeting memories.)

No, it's almost always something meaningless from tv or music. This time it's the nature of Frank Parker's credit card from the show "7 Days". Originally, in my homeworld, it was a "Plutonium Card". Then it was a "Titanium Card". Then it switched back (I know cause Ichecked before sending it to Red Mage on 8-Bit Theater, as an entry for best fictional RPG item to give your chars. I remember cause it made the sites front page.)

I know I'm not alone here. Many (perhaps MOST) of the folks I've talked to have experienced similar things. Where lines in movies, or song lyrics, or album track orders shift.(CONT BELOW)
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