(no subject)

May 06, 2011 06:07

W00t! got my laptop's clone port to work again... some... how. (Seriously. Couldnt get it to talk to the monitor and then is just...started to for no reason.)

Back online. Got to find out that I was talking to eva when I recognized the gtalk chime and blindtyped "I have no screen and cant see what you're saying. Call me if you need to talk." (Yes yes. My puter was on to stream media to the PS3.)

Found out that my cat is starting to express her Feline Weirdness Genes. She's convinced that around... 18 cubic feet above half of my couch is... hainted. Something interesting-to-a-cat and invisible-to-humans shows up there fairly regularly. Also, the works of Bach as performed on accordion is utterly fascinating and ridiculous to her. Was playing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmTG9wTfrzk and she... tried to molest my computer. Incessantly. It's like I sprayed accoustic catnip on my laptop. It was *weird*.

Oh, and there was a naziesque police-state crackdown in *MaComb* Illinois t'other day. Don;t know what the hell I'm talking about? Well, that's not surprising. There's been virtually no coverage in the MSM about it. But here. PLEASE watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLn4p_h4xUE&feature=player_embedded . Basically, the cops decided to fuck up a ton of partying college students for no reason. They went G20 on their asses. LRAD. Tear Gas. 4th Ammendment ingoring. Riot shield. It was nasty. And should be viewed as a harbinger. There are BAD. PEOPLE. WITH. GUNS. in charge now. Watch out. Cause this is NOT the America you learned about in Social Studies. It's much more like... the Russia you learned about in Social Studies. Just.. be careful folks. I don't want my friends tortured.
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