Aug 07, 2003 21:57
I have a little time before I go to bed and I just wanted to say that Bailey is amazing. She's my best friend in the world and no matter what any of you think, she's awesome. if you don't know her, you should get to know her. You can go to her deadjournalthe link is
Bailey has the sweetest personality, she's one of the funniest people I know and she has the cutest ways of making me smile. I've had like the crapiest week but everyday she's been there to talk me out of my bad mood and you have her to thank for me not complaining on and on about how crappy it's been. If she wasn't around there would have been murders, seriously, I was so frustrated and sad and angry I would have gone on a psycho killing spree, so i just wanted to let everyone know, BAILEY IS MY HERO! I LOVE YOU B!!!!!!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
[Yea, that's what yah call a female bonding moment...*teary eyed*...]