I've been having one of those days that goes in the record book for being terrible, I think you know the kind I mean. Anyway, it's 5pm and I could ramble on and on about how horrible a day I've had, but you know what i'm going to talk about? Bailey. She is such an amazing person. No matter how awful I felt today she was the one person who made me forget i felt like crap, she even made me laugh, it was a pathetic laugh that only rumbled in the depths of my tummy, but it was the best laugh I've had in the last few days.
We were sitting here, on the computer, talking about brocolli. Bailey is my best friend, and we have talked about some weird stuff, and we've had some pretty weird inside jokes, but instead of just laughing about it, we actually were conversing about brocolli, and it made me happy that I had a distraction from my life and from the lives of the sad people around me. I've included the conversation so that in case anyone else reading this is having a bad day, they might get the satisfaction of a smile from our little brocolli adventure.
CapNJacSparr0w (4:54:39 PM): mmm
CapNJacSparr0w (4:54:44 PM): brocolli
CapNJacSparr0w (4:54:48 PM): oops
CapNJacSparr0w (4:54:50 PM): sorry
RrWillTurnerRr (4:55:23 PM): lol, brocolli, food of the day! thats what i was gonna have at big boy! cream of brocolli soup
CapNJacSparr0w (4:55:32 PM): omg!!
CapNJacSparr0w (4:55:35 PM): you like broccoli?
RrWillTurnerRr (4:56:02 PM): yea! i like it with cheeeese too
RrWillTurnerRr (4:56:08 PM): only sometimes though
CapNJacSparr0w (4:56:18 PM): ou rock
CapNJacSparr0w (4:56:18 PM): you
RrWillTurnerRr (4:56:35 PM): cause my dad buys brocolli and cheese stuff that goes in the microwave and it is very tasty...hee hee
RrWillTurnerRr (4:56:42 PM): do you like the stem or the leaves better?
CapNJacSparr0w (4:56:55 PM): leaves
CapNJacSparr0w (4:56:56 PM): you
CapNJacSparr0w (4:57:09 PM): well actually
CapNJacSparr0w (4:57:12 PM): i like it when it's part stem
CapNJacSparr0w (4:57:14 PM): and part leaves
RrWillTurnerRr (4:57:14 PM): i used to like the leaves and then one time the texture just freaked me out, so i like the stems now
RrWillTurnerRr (4:57:21 PM): so do i!!!
RrWillTurnerRr (4:57:22 PM): omg!
CapNJacSparr0w (4:57:25 PM): lol
RrWillTurnerRr (4:57:37 PM): the leaves still taste good though
CapNJacSparr0w (4:57:40 PM): yeah
CapNJacSparr0w (4:57:42 PM): it all does
CapNJacSparr0w (4:57:42 PM): hahaa
RrWillTurnerRr (4:57:43 PM): they're just all textury
RrWillTurnerRr (4:58:21 PM): omg, i read a book where the guy, shep, wouldn't eat any food that was shapy, he only ate food that was square, and if you tried to give him goldfish or something he totally freaked out, he was a great character
CapNJacSparr0w (4:58:32 PM): lol
RrWillTurnerRr (4:58:39 PM): yea, good book
RrWillTurnerRr (4:58:40 PM): lol
[Note to readers: If you are one to make assumptions, please don't assume that if I say something totally random in this journal it means I'm talking about you. Don't assume that anything or everything I say revolves around your life. Someone read something I said in this journal to someone else as something i was saying about someone completely different and they are now probably feeling very stupid for that assumption, so, save yourself the trouble, and ASK ME if i'm talking about you before you jump to conclusions. I don't have a "live" journal to be secretive. thanks.]