
Feb 28, 2005 23:31

Well, another day has past once again.
Guess what happened to me yesterday? You will never guess so I will tell you. I got a 2 inch sliver shoved into the bottom of my foot. It hurt so much. Yet, I was woman enough to pull it out. It took a while cause it was a stubborn sliver. Well, any way that was the only exciting adventure in my life lately. O also my cold is getting better. I just have a sore throat now. Will hopefully be back to being my complete self come the end of the week.
I actually can say I have done something substanial today. I worked on college work all day. Book reports to write, books to read.. I am very proud of myself. I made myself a schedule and everything. I need it so I can keep myself on task.Otherwise I get distracted and do other things beside what I need to do. Today was the first day I was trying it and it helped me a lot. It made my day less stressful. Which is a HUGE plus. Also I go to have some 'fun' time. Which consisted of reading Henry the VIII for an hour. That was my day today. Not frilles or glitter. Just the raw me. It will most likly be the same come tomorrow. That is all.
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