Nov 11, 2009 22:33
This is not a question that I ask because I wish to have some kind of private pity party thrown for me. I am genuinely curious as to what it is that seems to set me apart from others. In this world where so much has become homogenized, I find myself more and more these days wondering just what it is that makes me special.
I have a plethora of friends, and the numbers seem to grow as the days go by. This is honestly a fact that during the first half of my life, I had no concept of even imagining. I never had friends as a child, so to have so many as an adult, is a dream come true, and beyond.
But this begs a question in my mind. Why?
Why be my friend? I'm not asking because I want you to question your loyalty or enjoyment of my company, but simply because I wish to know what sets me apart from the multitude of other creatures that inhabit this world as someone worth giving the title of "friend" to. Some of you are closer to me than others, some I call my family. I just want to know, what is it, to you, that makes me special?
Be it what I do for you, how I make you feel, some special skill I posses, I want to know why.
As a sub question. I am also very curious as to what, if anything, sets me apart from the masses in terms of skills. I (often) have difficulty looking at myself objectively. I see any skill or talent I posses to be something that all people have, or at the very least, something not at all difficult or worthy of praise. I realize this is not the case, but I still have little ability to actually identify those things that I am "good at."
Any help any of you can provide me in answering either of these questions, is more than appreciated.