So, I said I would post...

Sep 25, 2009 00:45

...and so I am.

I've been relatively quiet lately on LJ because I've been trying to keep in standing with my "if I don't have anything good to report, then I shouldn't speak up" policy.

If I haven't been miserable, then I've been busy, and not much beside those.

I've been single, which in and of itself isn't a bad thing per-se, though the conditions of the breakup between my ex and I left a little to be desired for me at the time, and while relations between him and myself continue to be cordial, it is a reminder of failure sometimes, though, in the end, he is happy, and that at least gives me some strength, I wanted him to be happy, and he is, so I feel like I did some good.

I have been working more lately, which would be better if the money weren't mostly draining back into bills.  All it really accomplishes is sucking up my time and energy, I really do wish I had a better job.  This one doesn't pay enough and I'm definitely under-appreciated for all the effort I put into things (as "poor me" as that sounds).

I have been struggling some-what with depression and lonliness lately, I'm guessing it's the stress from things that's been doing it.  Nothing to be alarmed about, I get depression, it's something I've had since I was a child.  Actually considering where I've been the depression I've been experiencing lately is not much aside from normal.  I can definitely tell the difference between different levels of mood when it comes to "bad feelings" and "blue" so this is something that qualifies as "depression" but not something that is going to put me down and keep me down.

I had a big boost this past weekend.

I went to Rainfurrest.

To say that the vacation was something I needed would be a vast understatement, essentially there are no words to describe the level of NEED that went into this weekend.  I unwound my coils and got to be surrounded by the people I care most about (or at least a great majority of them).  I felt a part of my element, so to speak and life was generally harmonious and good.

It is no false statement to say that one of the only things keeping me going through this recent troubled time in my life was my friends, so it is then, no surprise when being surrounded by them was a great boost for my mental health and vitality.  View me as you will, but I believe my friends are my greatest strength.

So that's a small slice of what's been going on for me I guess, lots of downs, a bit of an up though, so things are at least better for the moment, though I suppose we'll have to see what the future holds.

I am nervous about some things coming up, and about my future...
oh well, wish me luck I suppose.
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