May 14, 2004 14:05
"Incidentally, though I generally abhor addressing items like this because of the gnashing of teeth that ensues, that "news" thing going around about Elijah having a girlfriend is very unlikely to be authentic. The original source for it is a re-hash blurb generator called Contactmusic which is notorious for being unreliable and making up/mangling quotes from other interviews. No one can seem to find the original interview source they took it from, either. As always, when news of this nature comes out, be cautious about where it comes from. Unless it's a direct quote from a full, first-person interview (not a blurb) in a well-known media outlet-- preferably a video or audio interview-- take it with a giant salt lick, because you never know where it came from originally, or whether the person who wrote the item even talked to the person in question at all. Teen magazines and celeb rags, especially European ones, are particularly bad about this (remember all the places that were calling Hannah Elijah's girlfriend? Yeah, that stuff.) Some even make up interviews entirely. So be careful about what you read. Edit: I was right. It looks like the original source is an "interview" from a Danish teen magazine. Low-level publications like that almost never get actual interviews with celebs. They put stuff together from other sources, and often make up quotes, or embellish stuff to make it sound new. Elijah's actually said before that he doesn't give interviews to teen magazines, so the chances of this one being authentic are pretty low. If it were a quote in, say Premiere, or Rolling Stone, or the LA Times, that's a different story.