Here and There

Jul 29, 2010 17:02

Him: Where did you come from?
Me: West, about an hour.
Him: Why are you here?
Me: Out there I might get lonely, but if I come here I can be surrounded by friends.
Him: Do you know anyone here?
Me: Not yet. Maybe you, I sort of know you now. You let me sit here when there wasn't a table, so I suppose I know you're a kind person. Knowing people really is just knowing a bunch of things about them anyways. 
Him: Do you just sit here and read?
Me: I read and I listen and I watch and I think and I feel. Reading the least of all. 
Him: Do you do this a lot?
Me: Depends.
Him: On what?
Me: How often I'm alone. How often I need to listen and watch and think and feel. 
Him: Well, what are you pretending to read?
Me: A book where people argue about how the world works and how people work and how things work. Things people don't really know about but like to think they do. 
Him: Do you know about them?
Me: Not really. Sometimes I like to pretend that I do. 
Him: You're kind of off aren't you?
Me: Just tonight. 
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