PBC Productions went to MAGFest 5 in Vienna, VA this weekend to premiere The New Adventures of Captain S and it was a hit! We drew a great crowd on friday night when we showed it, and they ate it up. We handed out comment cards and the feedback we got was wholly postive. We made some new contacts and had quite a few people express interest in helping us out. Episode 1 can now be viewed on our site at
pbc-productions.com/CaptainS/Episodes.html. It was also picked up by indietv.tv, and is being featured on their main page! They have rotating posters so you may have to refresh to see it, but we're there. We're having a little trouble with the video being hosted on revver.com, otherwise I'd embed the video right here, but as soon as that's ironed out, I will post episode 1 in my journal. The audio and video are out of sync, and it throws everything off.
I know it seems like Captain S is all I talk about right now, so I apologize to those of you getting sick of it. The thing is, it's my life right now. I was in the car riding back from Virginia today and I told Chad, Devon, and Z that where I am right now is exactly where I want to be. For the first time since moving to NYC, I feel like I'm accomplishing something, driving at something. The feelings of unknown and the inevitable depression that accompanies it have been squelched by the burning desire to produce this show. I completely trust the other 3 members of my team and have total confidence in their talents and abilities. They have proven to be responsible, reliable, consistent partners who communicate well and work as hard as I do to get the job done. This is an incredible feeling. We strive to push the envelope. Every week we have production meetings that go on for 3 hours and we just see how we can outdo ourselves again. We try to find a goal that is seemingly just outside our grasp and go for it, with surprising results. I have such a good feeling about this company, and I really think if we continue at this pace we have a bright future together. So finally I feel validated. I have a purpose. I have a passion. And I'm doing it all on my terms and my watch. No, there's no money in it yet, but that will change. We have come so far in just 2 months it's scary. To think it all began with a conversation around the table at Chad's apartment back in November. Then we just had an idea and the drive. 8 weeks later we have 3 completed episodes, a slick website, the beginnings of a fan base, a multitude of artists and musicians to help us, backing from an indy film website, and by the end of this week a boom mic and a new camera.
Hopefully this helps explain my euphoria, and my tendency to talk about PBC a lot.