Mar 19, 2010 15:54
It's that time of year for me where I set out to find new successes and challenges. Who knew when I graduated from college, I'd be so impatient in letting some sort of a career develop? Bank didn't do it for me what with all the addresses I had to type. My first round at Capella didn't strike my fancy as I had hoped what with my endless days of processing processes. Don't even ask me about all the bridges I "burned" at PLUS. And now another year (and then some) has come to a close in my second position at Capella that I began in a different department, only to end up where I started in the first place.
Until last week, that is.
My year long stint got the best of me and at the end of January, at the urging of my boyfriend, I applied for a new job. No surprise there. But this job was different. This job is actually one that has a little more meat to it. It has a little more meaning. It requires a little more experience and can take me a little further than all the entry level crap I've been doing for the last three years can. This job is that of an academic advisor.
Ooh. Hear that? You read it and you know what it means! From the title alone you can tell what an academic advisor does. No more ambiguous "Representatives" or "Specialists". I'm going to be a bonified "Advisor". I'm going to advise people on academics. Just as my title indicates. I can't wait to get started. It'll be nice to actually be doing something for once that a monkey can't.
Unfortunately I don't start until about a month from now, so while it is tempting to throw up my arms and let this current position go to hell, I can't. I've got people counting on me. Follow ups to make. Dreams to make true. It's a tough job, but someone's got to finish it up and then leave for another department. Talk about making the Capella rounds...