Sep 03, 2005 23:06
HBO and Cinemax are having a free weekend today and tomorrow so I am Tivo-ing things like crazy. Off-hand I have Alien vs. Predator, Collateral, Scooby-Doo 2, Starsky & Hutch, The Grudge, Feardotcom, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Spider-man 2 set to record. I'm worried that this will start deleting some of my Mama's Family's due to lack of space (I have about 60 recorded right now) so I'm taping them like mad right now. I've been recording them for a while now, but I've had to kick it into high gear due to this movie bonanza that is going on.
The response to Katrina is pathetic. That is all I have to say about that.
I got Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube today. It really worked out well for me. I was at Electronic Boutique and thinking about either RE 4 or Geist. So, I asked the manager which was the better and he highly recommended RE 4, so I ask him if they have a copy as I didn't see it on the shelf. They check the computer and see that they have 1 copy but we cannot find the case (EB takes the game out of the case so you can't shoplift them, the discs are kept behind the counter). So, I got the game ($49.99) 10% off. Also, at EB, when you buy a strategy guide for a game at the same time that you buy the game, you get a discount. So, basically, I got a $50 game and a $15 guide for about $53. Also, they took my name and number and if they stumble across the case they are going to give me a call. That worked out pretty well, so tha was kind of cool.
I'm thinking of sending my Ghostbusters 2 DVD and my Cats and Dogs DVD (if I can find it, it may have been sold in the yard sale) to the hurricane They have requested kid friendly DVDs to keep the kids entertained in the...Astrodome I believe, not sure about that. It's obviously not much, but aside from donating money and the DVDs, there just isn't much I can do. Rachel and I talked about it and both wish that we could afford to just take time off from work and go there to help out. Unfortunately, most people can't do that because we have to support ourselves. I think its really cool of people such as Harry Connick, Jr. to be helping out down there. They don't have to be, but they do anyway. It really gives you a whole new respect for someone. I'm sure most of you know exactly what I mean.
Anyway, not much else tonight. I'll get back to you guys later.