This entry brought to you by the letter Z

Sep 29, 2005 15:30

I gots a new icon yay snape! I mean c'mon, Alan Rickman is clearly the coolest.

Here's the awesome conversation that happened at my dinner table last night (As dictated to carla, with comments by carla.)

SamuraiX Koneko: my mom just said the grossest thing ever!
SamuraiX Koneko: we're discussing peas at the dinner table and my mom says "when I was in college and there was nothing good to eat, I'd fill a bowl with peas and cottage cheese and put soy sauce on it!"
SamuraiX Koneko: and ben and I just go "AUUUUUUUCHHHH!"
Bunnyface734: ewwwwwwwwww
SamuraiX Koneko: and then my mom says " eat your peas, it stops cancer" and ben says: " Mom if doodies could stop cancer, would you eat them?"
Mom: "......well if they were PROVEN to stop cancer....."
SamuraiX Koneko: and we pulled another AAUUUUUUGGGHHCH!
Bunnyface734: hahahahaha
SamuraiX Koneko: and then my mom told us how she used to eat sandwiches w/ peanut butter, honey, and bean sprouts.
Me: ewwww, why ruin a perfectly good sandwich w/ bean sprouts?
Mom: they're crunchy!
Me: So's granite
Bunnyface734: hahah
Bunnyface734: good one sarah
Bunnyface734: good one
SamuraiX Koneko: I know
SamuraiX Koneko: ....I know
Bunnyface734: hah
SamuraiX Koneko: oh the things we'll discuss @ dinner
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