One of us is gonna have to tackle you and that's gonna be very uncomfortable for everyone involved!

Jul 13, 2008 23:21

So today, I got to yell at a guy "officaly". It is not nearly as fun as the managers make it seem. I felt like crap for a good hour after. I then get a text message from a friend who is still at work with the guy I talked to. It basicaly said that he was leaving a note for the team lead that said a bunch of stuff that I didnt do. I tried to solve the problem by calling and trying to figure out what was going on through one of my co workers, but that didnt work so i decided to just go up there and handle the problem face to face (i needed to buy some new pants anyway :P)

So I get up there, and the guy seems all calm and cool, then he starts asking me questions on how to do stuff. It got to the point where I actually had to go behind the counter not in uniform (which is punishable by termination at Target) to help him with it. After helping him and telling him what to do he said that he got the wrong info and that he knew what to do now. When I walked away he also tore up the note that he was planning on leaving for the team lead.

I finished my night by walking by my friend who worked at Starbucks and said in my Mr.magicmurderbag voice "The problem has been taken care of, I beleive he will see things our way now"
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