Sep 16, 2020 11:29
TW: Verbal abuse, racial slurs, bits of misandry, some misogyny
Back in 2001, I used to date this guy online that started out really well until things went South really fast.
We both met in this anime web chat on WBS, even did some roleplaying together, and eventually talked in private on AIM and even ICQ (I'm surprised that IM program still exists). See, he was the one who asked me out and I said yes.
LIke I said before, things went great for a while. But, I ended up cheating on him by going back to an ex that he also knows. That's when things blew up. Though I had sincerely felt remorseful for doing what I did, he called me all sorts of names like slut, whore, and get this---a black ass cunt multiple times. I wanted to work things out, but all that ever did was cause things to escalate. Heck, I even cried a lot during those times.
Honestly, I did admit telling him that I was going to make fun of his mom by mainly saying that she obviously didn't do a good job in raising him because of the way he treated me (and possibly other women, including his ex before me, which is probably why she cheated). But I also said that that I was not going to go there. Like the immature, evil man---no, CHILD--- that he was, he said some awful things like he was planned and I was an accident. Another thing, I said I'd pray for him. What he didn't know was that I prayed for him to DIE, one way or another. That's when I learned that he was a God-hating atheist.
When he said that he was basically playing me to get a rise out of me when he said that he went back with his ex, he called me a stupid nigger bitch. Now imagine me and him looking at each other face to face, and my reaction of slapping him really hard in the face for that. That was when I told him that if he had ever contacted me again, I was going to call the police. He didn't respond. If he was writing a response to that, I didn't care, I decided to block him right after that. I should have reported him for harassment. Keep in mind that was after I sincerely apologized to him for hurting him, and he kept going. I was actually hoping that he would calm down and apologize to me for the verbal abuse.
Because of him and his actions, he was the reason why I ended up hating men for a good long while (I'm not like that anymore). Heck, I even sworn off them, making me believe that all men were nothing but trash.
The name of the guy responsible for my extreme hatred was Adam, a.k.a. "Burn Griffiths" (his WBS handle at the time). Sadly, I stopped liking Psychic Force because of him also.
deserves to be exposed,
collection of experiences,
extreme change of views,
online dating,