Jul 24, 2010 17:37
Typically, women are expected to be taken care of by their men, and the pay structure in the workplace has reflected this for, at least, hundreds of years. In many cases, women were refused jobs in many sectors of higher earnings because it was believed that those areas were not suitable for women.
However, when a couple break up, the children are expected to be taken care of by the mother, and often a man just takes off leaving the woman with the children in her care.
A father bunking off "because the missus won't just stop complaining" is seen as pretty normal, if not sympathised with. However, if a mother leaves the home without taking her children with her because she "couldn't take 'is mouth no longer" she's seen as the devil in disguise. And it's pretty hard to raise children by yourself, and then when left with whatever debt the old man incurred during his stay (mortgage the big one) as a man who just ups and leaves is likely to do, you begin to wonder.
Let's take another situation, shall we? A man traditionally is allowed to have multiple wives, after all the population of men is severely depleted with them going off to fight and that. The man then provides livelihood for all "his" women and their children. But, of course, we notice that oddly, men tend to pass before women. Hmmm... so are his women supposed to be placed in his grave when he dies? Well it happened with Pharaohs and Emperors, did it not? The greater a man was, the more women he had. Waitaminute, that makes women sound like a possession there... interesting, wouldn't you say? Funny that.
Interestingly, the pressures put on women are in attributes (physical beauty and a demure and submissive character), whereas men have the pressure to "bring home the bacon". These are the desirable traits.
Well, in rebuttal, there's always the "Oh but wouldn't you like to shave your beard every single day?" as if it's such a great chore. But then I rarely hear a rebuttal involving the pressure on a woman to be hairless, even if that involves waxing the hair on her arms. So it's either waxing (which involves physical pain), plucking (time consuming but less painful, for the most part), or shaving. Now where have we heard about shaving before?... Oh yes. The men were complaining about shaving their faces just now, weren't they? But what about their legs and pits (we'll not go further than that shall we)?
Sorry for the rant but hanging out with a certain blond has made feminism rants fun... -_-"
dry rant