Mar 05, 2009 17:53
So the what can I say about the Watchmen without ruining it for the rest of you?
Well, the acting is about 50/50. The actors playing Rorschach, Nite Owl and the Comedian probably did the best jobs of capturing the essence of their characters. The chick playing the Silk Spectre just looked really in latex.
The movie is almost 3 hours long and I suspect it has more to do with the director's penchant for doing a ton of slo-mo scenes. I'm sorry but you don't need a slow motion scene of someone walking down a hallway slowly. period.
If you've read the comic recently you will either be impressed or disappointed in how close to the material they stuck as far as camera angles and visuals. It's a bit of a double edged sword really. Make it too much like the comic and people will complain that there's no point to the film, make it not enough like the comic and you end up being eating alive by a crowd of rabid fan boys. There's is a decent amount of balance to the movie and the changes made to the ending make sense when you consider what parts of the comics are left in and whats taken out.
I left the theater feeling rather meh about the whole experience. But than again I also made an effort to avoid hype and went into the film with lowered expectations. I imagine that if I was the kind of person that had been anticipating it with the enthusiasm of 5-year-old on Christmas eve, that I would've probably hated it a lot more than I did. So I guess that's my advice for seeing the film. If you think of it as just another Hollywood blockbuster and don't attach a ton of emotional sentiment to it, you'll probably enjoy it as much as the next guy.