Dec 25, 2009 22:52
OK so I have locked myself away in the spare room, mp3 player to block out the bigoted siblings and their spouses, (thank you oh mighty Zune HD, you have smitten the evil sayers) so I have come to that place where I truly understand why so many trans people finally just say the fuck with it all and move away from their families and leave no forwarding address for them, one thing that transition has taught me about is the limits to love and that the concept of unconditional love is something that is mostly just a fairytale because most people cant wrap their head around the idea of unconditional. Yes there are a verrrrrrrry few people that can do it but not many. Its hard to believe that these people that are my siblings are related to me at all, and the dogma that they espouse absolutely confounds me, I really have a hard time following the message of intolerance and bigotry that they take from the teachings of Jesus. Somehow it is always a message of hate and self-righteousness that they come away with, but this is a very prevalent thing for people to read into it I guess. Over the last year I have developed a small cadre of people that have become my support system, fellow queers that face alot of the same bigotry from their family members. They are my heart, they know what it is that I am feeling at this moment as they have been the same places I have, and we all fight together (we are all activists), so that one day we can erase this BS that we are subjected to by the ones that are supposed to have our backs but dont because their hate runs deeper than their capacity for love.
bigoted family xmas shit