My life is rated PG-13.
What is your life rated? Alright, to continue from before...
On Sunday, I went with Adam and Vanessa to a Japanese festival. It was okay. I think that theyw ere expecting about a quarter of the people who actually came. The place was PACKED. The line for food went around the entire room and it didn't get any shorter as the day went on. I was kinda disapointed about that because they had okonomiyaki and yakitori which I really miss from Japan. There were lots of cute little kids running around in yukata. It kinda made me sad that I didn't wear mine. But then it got really cold and I was grateful for my big, fuzzy sweater, even if it was white. My favourite part of the day was when we watched soem kids play the taiko or Japanese drum. It looked like a family thing with a dad, a 10 or 11 year old girl, an 8 year old boy and a little girl, somewhere bewteen 6 and 4. The little girl was sooooo cute. She was running around in pigtails with little blue pom pom things tied in them. She didn't get to play as much as her brother and sister so she sat at the side and patted the floor in the same rythem that her brother was hitting his drum. I was so excited when she got to play. I love taiko. If I ever live in Japan for an extended amount of time, I want to look into taiko lessons. We also saw a kendo demonstration. Our original plan was to leave after the kendo and get some lunch and then some back at 4:30 for a kabuki performance. But it didn't work out like that. Oh well. We got yummy Chinese food. Even if the service was horrible.
I found out the other day that somebody is obsessed with figuring out if Jei Chan and I are sleeping together. All I can say is this: Why do you care? It doesn't effect you. Sigh. Again, stupid people really bug me. I really wish that I didn't know about it.
I just got my sociology test back. I did okay I guess. It helps when the highest grade in the class was a 94% I hope I did ok in my History of China class' test. I'm really worried about my grades this semester. probably because of evil, evil Chinese class. Sigh. Life is just not fair sometimes.
I only work five and a half hours this week. I don't think that my manager loves me anymore. SOB! OK, me done for now.