Into the unknown

Jul 13, 2013 22:05

So. Signed with one of our realtor buddies and the house will go on the market on the 15th. That's MONDAY. It's exciting... and terrifying. We're asking a bit more than we expected to shoot for, but as he points out, we can always adjust or negotiate-counter offer down. But you can't push UP. I defer to his more experienced judgement. Last time we moved we just had to empty an apartment. I.e. pack your crap up and get the [BLIP] OUT. Selling the old place was totally "as is," as it was wrecked from the 2000 fire. So all the strategies and intricacies of selling a house with the "full treatment" is kind of new territory for us. There sure seem to be 1001 more things to attend to.

Also, I started this post the night before on the iPad, and the auto saved draft was empty. Opps. So kind of wanting the cover the same territory but the brain is just slightly fried. We're also trying the pack and  trying the deal with the third week of the Northeastern heat wave. It's not been too terribly hot, eighties and nineties, but the humidity is pretty frakkin' relentless and takes it right out of you. So it's really hard to stay motivated to pack and sort and heft. It also rains on and off, not proper decent rain most of the time, it's like the atmosphere can't hold any more warter and it just kind of falls out. Literally...precipitation. But this is punctuated by the occasional downpour to keep you alert. You might think that would take some of the humidity out of the air, but no, not really. Yick. Relentless and appreantly more to come

The Wednesday going into the Fourth of July weekend, we sent off the trailer with a about a third of our stuff. A lot has gone out. I think we startle the county recycle workers by the amount of magazines, paper and plastics we've been putting out. But we roll like that.
The place is a state of ... transition. Hardly in shape to show the place properly in full on Architectural Digest Better Homes and Gardens style..  but we're stowing and trying to pack up stuff. Somehow in the midst of it, still trying to work. IF anybody turns up in the next two weeks with an offer, we can legitimately say we're gorram packing. Most folks will grok that I should think.

Since we're about to go kind of public, I took a shot at a "We're Relocating" letter for the client list. Krazycrafter took one look at it and hated it. Apparently too political and too whiny and too much of my crap. So will have to take a more .... "all business" take on this. Mind you, I'm talking about this here on Dreamwidth/Live Journal. But DW and LJ are near GHOST TOWNS now, in the era of Facebook and Twitter ascendant. None of my clients or local colleagues are on Live Journal or Dreamwidth. Anyone interested in long form journaiing is doing a blog now... and Wordpress and Tumblr are superior tools for that now. But not shouting this out on FB just frakkin' yet.

Anyway. Having the A/C people come and check out our central air. We hardly use it, to save energy, but it ought to be working properly when folks come to look at the house. And the pool looks nice. Despite the discouraging efforts of the weather. Due to the heat wave, I've dumped nearly 25 POUNDS of chlorine in it, that's like half a season's worth!

Doing some teaching and singing this season, trying to get some lore and stuff across for people while we're still here. If you're into the Celtic sound, I've three rather fetching decorated traditional beginner's bodhrans for a lovely wee price for sale!

Okay, I had something else, but getting into steam of consciousness, so it can wait till next time...

I'm also exploring a journal at Dreamwidth.
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