I commented at at Sun Dance, "I may not always act my age, but I might need to start respecting it."
After the current Promotion exam cycle, kickboxing on Wednesday, and Classical Karate this morning... my body is reminding me of that remark. My biggest complaint of course is that, since the ankle, I am a bit asymmetrical, and my right knee seems to be overstressed favoring, however unconsciously, the left ankle. So BOTH get sore and cranky. Recovering. Resting both as I type this post.
I am also recovering from the budget shock of dropping nearly $8K on one of our CC's to fund the Padawan Two's current term at Buffalo State. Been moving about disturbingly large sums between various financial institutions. Somewhere whille KrazyCrafter was delivering the boy to Buffalo earlier this week, got the annoying (if helpful) text message from Chase informing me I had $44 in the checking account. Fun times.
Somewhere later on in there was informed that one of the boy's Chemistry textbooks, runs a NICE $250 clams. Jebus! %$#@&! Looking into renting, folks. That's CRAZY, My massive Gardners's Art History text was only $75. (Oh wait, the current Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective / Edition 13 lists for $220... FUCK!?!!) STILL frakkin CRAZY.
Day before yesterday I installed Mac OS X Lion on the Macbook pro. The Lady is a little disoriented, but getting used to it. We also have Skype accounts to stay in touch with the Kid at Buff State, sans phone charges, in addition to the Family plan on Sprint. There are some side effects, aside from the reversed scrolling, she does not care much for the combined Address and Search field in the updated version of Safari. We had to manually install JAVA for Puzzle Pirates, and then upgrade to MS Office 2011, as the old MS Office X was pure Power PC code, which Lion dropped support for.. Little glitchy bits, and a few things that broke. Appleworks now lives in the dustbin of history. I'd LIKE to bring the Adobe Creative Suite up to 5.5, for parity with the Pro in the Studio... but ya know... LATER. I do wish that you could make the scrolling device specific, like "Natural" on the trackpad, and "Classic" on mouse scroll wheels. Hey! Hey, Apple?
I am seriously being a bit of a weak link in the effort to clean out in prep to sell this place to get us out of here. I haven't been really digging through the massive piles here, especially in my Studio. But seriously, we should toss, donate, sell, or wopila just about half of everything we've accumulated over the 12 years here. One of the problems with contemplating a move, is that the sheer ENERGY penalty of moving is so formidable. It's looks like its going to be so much work to get over the hump, even though the plan is to move into a better situation.
And of course chores and maintainence continue. One of the things we've got to look at are deciding what hose maintanence and upgrades are good investments for offer the place, and what's just going to be left "as is." And somehow in all of it, I do have to somehow keep working, and keep an income coming into this place.
Strictly speaking, I CAN work in any situation with a roof that doesn't leak, electricity, and a high speed internet connection. The thing that remains to be seen, and we won't know for a till we do kick off, is how many of my clients can I sustain remotely, who'll stay with me leaving the region, and for how long? But our cost of living, graphed against our income is just plain unsustainable. Even if the Bush Tax Cuts were fully rolled back, AND the fed fully restored their funding to mandated programs, the counties and states are in such trouble, that a rollback of the massive rise in Property Taxes is pretty unlikely.
Lastly, despite my disappointment with the White House and the Democratic party, the latter i have found being spectacularly clueless, cowardly and utterly bereft of leadership, with the addition of Mr Ryan to the GOP ticket, I am now, once again, firmly in the "lesser of evils" camps. At this point "hopeful supporter" is as dead as "Campaign Finance Reform." But of course my personal fate lies totally in my own hands, and I should realistically have no further expectation of representation, relief, reform, succor or even responsibility from our National leadership. It's up to me, as it always was, to see to my own life and prosperity. My main objection to the shoveling of the nation's wealth to the megacorps and the über-rich, and the selling of what's left of our tenuous democracy to the highers bidder, is that the tilting of the table is growing ever worse. I grew up in a fairer age and American scene that my sons are unlikely to ever see, or be able to raise their kids in, that my parent's generation fought tooth and nail to achieve. It's sad to see that promising society passed. George Carlin had it pegged back in '05...
George Carlin ~ The American Dream With the recent... rather the current flap about the GOP stance on women's reproductive rights, I just can't support their platform. I wrote on Facebook, "It's interesting to see that the Republican official position is more hardline towards rape VICTIMS than it is towards RAPISTS. My casual thought on that, want less abortions? Let's have less [unwanted] pregnancies. But the Right has revealed themselves as opposed to both Contraception AND Sex Education. The slope is frakkin' slippery, and seems to be tilting."
I actually do have some Conservative views, but having the Government in charge of my worship, body, and bedroom life, or particularly and specifically my wife's, my female friends and relatives, are absolutely NOT among them.
We'll be going down to Stones Rising next week. Without Padawan Two for the first time. Will be different.
I should go work on the pool. Tired. Ankle hurts. Maybe Later.
I'm also exploring a journal at Dreamwidth.