Too naughty for

Mar 22, 2007 13:48

This idea came to me the other night, and try as I might, I could not get it out of my head.  Finally, I decided I was just going to have to write it down.  But the wonky thing is, while it's a safe guess who the woman in the story is... I never did decide who the man in the story is.  Either one of the usual pairings works... but both are just so deliciously easy to visualize...

*blissful sigh, then pauses thoughtfully*

Although... now that I think about it... since I know that Heihachi-san is going to read this... this could very well apply to you, too, my rice-munching friend.  Maybe not with the woman I imagined while writing, but you never know...


This was ridiculous, he thought to himself, lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. He knew that it was a busy time of year for travellers, so it was understandable that the roadside inn where they were staying was almost full. He didn't even mind having to share a room with her.

But couldn't they at least have gotten a larger room?

He looked over to one side, and saw her sleeping with arm's reach of him. Normally, to observe the rules of propriety, they should have had at least several feet between them, but there just wasn't space in this room.

Neither of them had been too happy about it, knowing that it was making the other uncomfortable, but they were both tired, hungry, and sick of being on the road. But this had been the fourth inn they'd tried before they'd found one with an available room, and so they had agreed to make the best of the situation.

Now as he lay near her, he could hear each soft sigh, each rustle every time she moved in her sleep, and it was driving him mad.

What was really ironic was that just as he made to blow out the lantern, he'd asked, "You don't snore, do you?"

"No," she'd chuckled, then rolled over onto her back to go to sleep.

Scarcely a few minutes later, however, he could hear her start snoring - not loud, but noticeable enough that he couldn't pretend she wasn't there.

He heaved a deep sigh, then rolled onto his side and gently shook her shoulder.

"Wake up..."

"Sweetheart, twice was enough..." she mumbled, rolling onto her side to face away from him, and his eyes went wide. Not only did she think he was someone else, but she thought he wanted to make love to her... and for the third time that night, no less!

Damn. Now he was completely awake, and for totally different reasons than before.

He lay on his back once again, gritting his teeth against the images that were parading through his mind.

A few minutes later, he heard the faint snoring start again, and he closed his eyes and prayed for strength. There was just no hope for it - he was going to have to wake her up.

He rolled onto his side once again and reached out to shake her, but at that moment, she turned over in her sleep, and instead of her shoulder, his hand came to rest squarely against her breast.

He gasped, but try as he might, he could not ignore the feeling of warm, soft flesh beneath his palm.

"Insistent, aren't you, darling?" she murmured, squirming slightly beneath his touch, and he felt as though his body were on fire. "In that case..."

She extended one leg out from beneath her blanket, hooked it over his hip, and pulled him closer to her, while snaking one arm around behind his neck.

He couldn't breathe, couldn't even think to move. As he opened his mouth to protest, she pulled his mouth down to hers and all he could think of was the absolutely incredible sensation of being kissed.

How the hell could she make him feel like this while she was asleep?

And how would this feel if she were actually awake?!

No, no, no, he thought to himself, he wasn't going to start his mind down that path, but his mind was already well along that road.

Dimly he was aware that he should push her away, or at least get her off of him, so he lifted his hand away from her breast and reached for her ankle where her foot held his hips firmly in place against hers. But for some strange reason, although he'd intended to lift her leg away, instead, he found his hand slowly moving up her calf, then her thigh, to cup her backside and pull her closer against him.

"Mmmmmm..." she purred against his lips. "I take it back... you should insist more often."

Now he was totally confused, and worse, wildly aroused. But somewhere in the back of his mind, he couldn't help thinking that this had to stop, and he tightened his fingers into a fist, clutching at the back of her sleeping robe.

That was a mistake, because as he lifted his head from hers and looked down, he could see the lush curves of her breasts were now completely bared to his gaze, and he gave an audible groan.

Instinctively he let go of the fabric so that he could cover her up, but his hand didn't seem to be receiving instructions from his brain, because as he watched, his treacherous fingers began caressing her breasts.

"Yes..." she moaned softly, "you always know how to..."

To stop her from saying anything else, he lowered his head to kiss her again, but she tilted her head back and drew his head down to her breasts instead, and he thought he was going to faint as his lips found one taut crest. He tried to stop himself, but the urge to kiss and suckle her was just too strong, and her hands in his hair keeping his mouth in place made it difficult to move away.

This was absolute agony, he decided, and the building heat that he could feel against his loins was absolutely not helping matters any. That was it... he was going to have to stop this, even if it took an act of God.

One small problem... as he slid one hand between their bodies to try and separate them, he realized that instead of pushing her away, he was finding every place that made her groan and writhe and plead.

Correction - one big problem.

He growled, deep in his throat, frustrated that no matter what he did, he couldn't seem to make himself let go of her. So with the last ounce of his strength, he rolled himself over onto his back, away from her.

But he'd forgotten about the leg she'd hooked around him, and as he rolled, she ended up moving with him so that she was straddling his hips, her body warm and open above his.

"You do know what you want, don't you?" Her chuckle was husky and sensual as she reached down to pull aside his robes, shrugging out of her own at the same time. And in the instant it took his brain to realize that they were both naked, she moved to take him fully inside of her.

The instant after that, his brain stopped thinking entirely of anything except her. His body, on the other hand, never stopped moving until they were both absolutely exhausted.

The next morning, however, he awoke to find her stretched out on top of him, her hand propping up her head, and an absolutely wicked smile on her lips.

"So did you sleep well last night?"

For a moment, he was puzzled, but then his eyes narrowed in realization.

"You little liar," he whispered, and her smile became even wider. "You were awake the entire time."

"Mm-hmm." He couldn't believe she didn't even try to deny it. That she'd wanted him that much to lure him into making love to her...

... wanted him enough to bring him pleasure as well...

... wanted him.

Like he wanted her, and had never known it.

"So, what happens now?" she asked him, her head tilted to one side as she studied him.

"I'm going back to sleep," he said slowly, but then he reached up to draw her mouth down to his.

"See, I had this incredible dream..."

She gave a low chuckle. "Really?"

"And I'd like to have it again... and again..."

pleasant dreams, erotica, samurai 7

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