From Twitter 01-11-2010

Jan 12, 2010 03:02

  • 08:38:47: @ jeannevb Remember, only tourists walk around NYC looking up. :) Enjoy my hometown! #pimpUTubeassistant
  • 16:10:14: Somewhere in me is a machinima so profound that MMORPG companies across the US will gasp in amazement. I just need to find it and make it.
  • 17:34:40: @ mistressmousey Meh, kinda figured as much. :( Oh well, hope springs eternal!
  • 18:02:56: @ Torakusu But I like living in the States... visiting other countries is fine (some moreso than others), but I'd rather stay in the U.S.
  • 18:03:38: Just spent the last 30 minutes updating my LinkedIn profile.
  • 18:10:29: @ scapwell From what I can tell, that's animation, not machinima (yes, there's a difference). :) It's still a damn cool video, though!
  • 18:27:42: @ scapwell If I had the funds and time to learn Maya and 3dStudioMax, I'd be learning it like mad. Regrettably, at the moment, I have neither
  • 19:16:17: @ scapwell 1) Are they legal, 2) Are they free, 3) Are they limited-time-only software?
  • 20:03:27: Waiting for my pizza to get here - bacon, mushroom, and onion. Plus garlic dipping sauce and icy cold root beer. :)
  • 20:12:15: Pizza is here! Nom nom nom.
  • 21:17:14: @ Slickriptide Any particular reason?
  • 21:49:30: You have a pretty good handle on your goals now, but could be ... More for Aries

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