From Twitter 01-08-2010

Jan 09, 2010 03:02

  • 05:36:51: Your key planet Mars is in the spotlight today, provoking you ... More for Aries
  • 09:05:55: Out and about to run errands today before gaming tonight. Oh joy.
  • 15:09:46: @ PennyAsh Thanks for the #FF recommendation! :)
  • 15:11:08: @ mistressmousey I don't suppose, in your infinite wisdom, you can recommend a good person to follow for game trailers, do you?
  • 15:12:42: @ Xacktar I got Castle, you got BAB. Hmmm... we need to get the rest of the devs' attention, we're too awesome not to notice.
  • 15:14:56: @ Slickriptide Wow... I will keep that in mind should I ever move to Washington.
  • 15:16:32: Not one of mine, but it's a damn funny video - #CoH video set to the song "Little Bit of Luck" -
  • 15:56:08: I think I know what my next video project will be - it'll be another music video, and again, I have permission from the band to use it.
  • 16:56:53: @ dudieboy 'Lo, @edrafalko mentioned you to @mistressmousey (and thus to me) as one to follow who knows the gaming industry (esp trailers).
  • 17:13:18: @ dudieboy Oops, miscommunication here. I'm looking for folks who DESIGN game trailers, as I want to get into that aspect of the industry. :)
  • 17:13:51: @ dudieboy Also looking to get in as content/tech writer and editor - I is word geek.
  • 17:36:40: @ Positron_CoH Prop it up on a book or something? Come on, you're a designer, this is a challenge!
  • 17:37:04: @ _Aether_ Hey, cold! Out! Get thee hence! Trust me, you don't want me to have to come out there...
  • 17:38:05: @ majornelson Well, I just applied! But no place to upload my cover letter? I must impress by resume alone...
  • 18:12:27: @ GadgetDon Well, we'll see! No idea if it'll turn into anything, but I have nothing to lose by trying!
  • 18:24:09: @ Xacktar @Positron_CoH Hey, Matt! You gonna let BAB and Castle and Ocho and Niv do all the talking 4 u on devs appearing in players' vids?
  • 18:24:54: @ Xacktar Hey, good vids deserve to have the word spread. Just passing along the karma from so many folks talking about my vid. :)
  • 20:09:58: I have my Portabello Mushroom burger from Carl's Jr, fries, soda, and the gaming group is on its way. Let Friday night begin!
  • 21:03:59: @ OutpostGames Tonight is D&D. We get to go toe-to-toe with a lich. :)

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