From Twitter 01-04-2010

Jan 05, 2010 03:03

  • 07:24:57: @ Slickriptide Go you - I should do the same thing, if I could only muster an attention span longer than that of a hummingbird on crack.
  • 07:32:38: @ jeannevb Hey, the #pimpUTtubeassistant says get back to work on your script. :) *whipcrack*
  • 07:33:09: @ billamend Have fun mining it for Foxtrot comedy gold. :)
  • 07:45:04: @ elazar Glad you liked my vid! :)
  • 07:45:32: @ jdotmi Thanks to YouTube's lag in updating stats, haven't seen much improved traffic... yet. But hopefully soon! :D
  • 07:47:02: "Avatar: CoH Style!" scores another YT honor - #47 - Most Discussed (This Week) - Film/Animation!
  • 08:20:59: @ PoetsOfTheFall Woot, can't wait to hear it!
  • 08:41:28: @ AgentFoo The same thing we work on every day, AgentFoo.. trying to take over the world! :)
  • 09:06:57: @ b04rdr1d3r Based on YT honors... I think so. I still have other vids more heavily viewed and commented on, but have been on there longer.
  • 09:08:16: @ b04rdr1d3r As for it 'opening doors', I wish it would, but not sure that it will.
  • 09:17:19: @ b04rdr1d3r It varies greatly - sometimes coding goes fast, other times I have to tinker and tinker. Storyboarding is usually pretty quick.
  • 09:19:30: @ b04rdr1d3r But solid time? I think "Avatar: CoH Style" took... about 24 hours of real-time, b/w coding, concept, filming, editing, etc.
  • 09:20:47: @ MarcianTobay Sorry, you must be lvl 51 and have taken Sister Psyche and Ghost Widow as your patrons to unlock that power.
  • 09:58:24: @ MarcianTobay *tries and fails to keep from laughing*
  • 12:10:36: @ MarcianTobay @Bactchan 30 months at the end of January - Tava will finally have her Vanguard chest emblem! WOOT!
  • 12:37:45: Something deliciously gratifying about listening to @SymphonyX's renditions of classical music. I LOVE "Sonata" off TWILIGHT IN OLYMPUS.
  • 12:39:24: By comparison, off the same CD, "Smoke and Mirrors" is definitely "do NOT drive to this music unless you like speeding tickets" music.
  • 13:08:22: @ feliciaday Oh just wait - soon there'll be a toll charge on the ATM drivethrus. :)
  • 16:09:15: *sighs* Just got back another rejection letter from a gaming company. At least however I GOT a letter, which I suppose is progress.
  • 16:22:12: *grins sardonically at @BafflingBeerman* Lvl 35 writer/videographer LF job. PST.
  • 16:32:26: @ Team_Barrowman Hopefully that doesn't mean you two are gonna get sealed off from the rest of the universe.
  • 16:36:16: @ Positron_CoH Any chance we can get rules 1-11? Please?
  • 16:51:52: @ AzureLunatic Hey Azz, how do I set up that app that once a day posts my Tweets to my LJ like what you've got set up?
  • 17:01:39: @ MarcianTobay @AgentFoo *shrugs* I abbreviate it as CoX all the time. I pronounce it See-Oh-Ecks, though. (Cox is my cable provider.)
  • 19:20:59: @ MelissaBianco *sends you virtual brownies and a large glass of milk to help keep you going*
  • 22:28:58: @ feliciaday @DJPheonyx I keep two lists like that. List 1 = "101 Things I Love" (for when I'm down). List 2 = "Little Things to Do".

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