Jun 30, 2008 22:44
I done fucked up for the past two week.
I had what I assume to be a fairly normal reaction that people have when they suddenly find themselves with plenty of free time away from their significant other.
Video games, my friend. Oceans of video games. Orgies of video games. Grease my ass up, let me dive on in. While I'm at it, let's netflix all the offensive TV series that Leah doesn't want to watch. Boondocks, The Wire, Sopranos, South Park. While we're doing that, fuck it, why not do marathons? I gotta get these shits back in rotation.
This was supposed to go on for a week. I got shits I gotta handle. I got a job to find, a career center to visit, a resume to tweak, a body to turn into an Adonis-like sex god, a comic book to finish lettering, a website to maintain, a short story to write and another two to edit for submission. If I'm alone, if I've got the free time to work on shit that's important to me, then it's criminally stupid to waste it on petty shit. One week.
I'm now two weeks in. Somewhere between Leah leaving and now, I put down roots. The muse is still there, but the inertia set in and I let it settle. It's hard to get shit started. My days degenerated into a bitta DVDs, a bitta Ghost Recon, a bitta Yakuza, a bitta Youtube, a bitta whatever other tired shit I do.
Anyway, I went to the Pride thing, got my shoes all filthy, and got rejuvenated. I dunno if it was the event itself or if it was the fact that I was actually out in the world, having human contact, doing something different. Whatever it was, it was like getting injected by life. I woke up today with a thousand lofty goals and I actually got some shit done. It feels good.
Entertainment, for me, is stagnation. My shit's not going too well and it's everyone's fault but my own and booh hooh. I need to stay out of the house, I need to keep this shit going.
Side note: Did you know that the Killers did a version of Joy Division's 'Shadowplay?" F'reals. It's even better than the original.