People should whisper more often in their songs.

Feb 28, 2006 14:44

After all this planning and reorganizing and meeting, I finally got my student-planned major approved. However, lately I want to store all these books away and focus on other things. No more theory and deconstruction and critiquing criticisms. No more reading progressive re-studies only to read a swell of critics in their wake, who are somehow more PC then these exhaustively PC academics. No more “forests full” of professorial pissing contests either, aaaahhhh!

I want to sift through all the readings I’ve poured over since after high school, capturing all the moments that politicized & reconditioned me. Then I want to tease them apart into a book that’s so insultingly simple, even the laymaniest layman can read it in a day and change their own lives accordingly. All this obscure information shouldn’t be tucked behind 1,000's of dollars of upper level courses. I hate that it’s taken me years of wading through books with theses written 500 different ways in order to learn things that are complex & difficult to regurgitate quickly. I hate how academic fields are so isolated that people flip out if you work within 3 or 4 at once... my love/hate relationship with academia is growing.

Learning outside at Tillers is working best of all for me right now, except for yesterday, when I tripped repeatedly on tree stumps & nettle roots into rabbit poop & a pile of chicken wire. Monday we learned how to wield chainsaws in the woods & started to make compost tea. Sarah & I caught about 15 mice at the bottom of the corn wagon the other day as well. They bounced faithfully inside this green bucket, huddling in shock at their lost cornucopia until Larry promptly drowned them. I wonder if I’ll ever get to the point where mice are nothing more than bastards who eat my food. As far as the turkeys go, they either lay their head on the back of your legs like creeps or peck at them. They just sort of waddle around and encircle you with their heads shaking as if they need to smother you to avoid popping.

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