Ciao, bello! It is I, the handsome Max. This is my very first post. I have begun my travels and will be occasionally posting my photos.
Before I went on any travels, I went to a concert of
The Biscuit Brothers with my good friend. Here we are with Dusty Biscuit first and then his brother Buford.
Here I am after enjoying a delightful performance of "Willa Wonka" at the Lamplight Theater in Nacogdoches, TX. Pictured first are Mr. Bucket and two Oompa-Loompas. The second picture is of Mr. Willy Wonka himself.
Next, my travels took me to a Mexican restaurant in Lufkin, TX. This fellow was a treat at the table.
My travels continued into Galveston, TX. These are from my day in
The Strand District. The first is with my adorable friend at Fullen's Waterfall restaurant.
Here we are at the The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. The large, furry thing was very nice to allow me to sit on him.
And to end the afternoon, we took a fabulous carriage ride. Donna (the horse) and CC (her driver) were excellent guides!!
That is all for now. I must groom my mustache!