This time next week, it's DRAGONCON!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I've had these two pieces in my collection for a long time, they've started to gather dust, I really could use the room, and I'd be happy to let anybody that's coming have them for the best offer I get. There's NO starting price whatsoever, so consider these a real bargain, but just remember, best offer can get them either separately or as a pair. ;)
Yes, that's the shipper painting I did for everybody my first D*C, sans the digital editing I did of the pic for the shirt artwork. The original's *slightly* different, but has a definite "Kara's imagination" vibe to it that I had a lot of fun working with.
I love how this inadvertently managed to look like 70's rock album coverart. :P Still a cool Cylon pic that tries to evoke all their cool yet creepy style.
Feel free to PM me, or email at, or just see me at D*C about them.
See you guys SOOOON!!!