From the annals of myspace

Dec 27, 2005 16:58

Fifty questions.....OF DOOM!!!

Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on?
Nope, that’s for bums at the Y.

Q2) Prefer black or blue pens?
Blue….They’re just easier to read on a form or worksheet.

Q3) Dress up on Halloween?
Most of the time.

Q4) Like to travel?
Fuck yeah! Where we goin’????

Q5) Like Someone?
for the first time in my whole life. NO.

Q6) Do they know?
I think everyone knows.

Q7) Who sleeps with you every night?
EyeScream and The Dude.

Q8) Think you're attractive?
MY mom says I’m handsome.

Q9) Want to get married?
someday….if the right girl gets knocked up.

Q10) To who?
I dunno…I hope she has big boobs.

Q11) Are you a good student?
Of life, yeah. In school…eh? Not so much.

Q12) Are you currently happy?
Not really.

Q13) Have you ever cheated on a test?

Q14) Birthplace?
Some hospital, I reckon.

Q15) Christmas or Halloween?

Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo?

Q17) Do long distance relationships work?
Hell no.

Q18) Do you believe in God?
No. But I still have a habit of praying I just can’t break.

Q19) Do you believe in love?
Not anymore.,

Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
GOD NO! usually when I show up people are all “well it’s getting late…”

Q21) Do you drink?

Q22) Do you make fun of people?
My entire existence is in complete mockery of the rest of humanity. FACE IT PEOPLE!! YOU’RE ALL REDICULOUS!!!

Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true?
Not all of them. But some nightmares too.

Q24) Favorite fictional character?
Quai-Chang Cain

Q25) Go to the movies or rent?

Q26) Have you ever moved?

Q27) What's up?
My odd for liver czancer?

Q28) How's the weather right now?
Shitty. It’s 79 degrees ondecemebr 27th. Weak.

Q29) Last time you cut your hair?
a few weeks ago for a job interview.

Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone?
I dunno. It’s been a few days since my phone rang.

Q32) Loud or soft music?
soft music turned way up.

Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King?

Q34) Night or day?
“I have been one acquainted with the night.”

Q35) Number of pillows?

Q36) Piano or guitar?

Q37) Future job?
Development Intern

Q38) Current job?

Q39) Current thought?
An eternal debate as to whether to go out tonight or stay home.

Q40) Current longing?
To call some one.

Q41) Current disappointment?
In another person.

Q42) Current annoyance?
Coffee makes me have to go to the bathroom.

Q43) Last thing you ate?
Spaghetti and meat balls.

Q44) Last thing you bought?
A cup of coffee.

Q45) Most recent thing you are looking foward to?
A new Job.

Q46) What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, an Amon Amarth Viking Spirits Tee, and My Black rebel motorcycle club sweat shirt….and boots.

Q47) Plans for the weekend?
I dunno. see some people I haven’t seen in a while?

Q48) What did you do today?
Slept in late, Exercised, got a cup of coffee, worked on a project, did a survey.

How can you not love someone comprised of 80%Spunk, 15% Boobs, 5% Alcohol

Q50) Ever been drunk?
Uhhhhhhh…yeah. I think…
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