so, ive finally gotten a little motivated, creativly. Being all the way up here (i've moved quite far north, for anyone whom ive forgotten to tell) with no friends about, i realized that i can finally work uninterupted. just dl'd cakewalk (thank god for virtually non-exisitant copyright laws) so im gunna start laying tracks down. i might have a lead on a drum kit, i could use, and they have a laptop at the shop that i could prolly record with. they actually have condensor mics, but it might be awhile before i can get in. If anyone knows of a decent drum-machine for pc, i would be forever in debt in the meantime. oh well, i have a couple to try out that i know of. ill be starting a myspace for it, since its a convient place to store mp3's. It'll be under New Clear Cherry Bombs. I've commissioned an artist to tidy up my band logo, but i want you
thedyinglightJ to have a go at it as well. anyways, here's some lyrics for one of the tracks. its fast, and a little lofi. think early bad religion, i guess.
Suffer. (i need a new name for this, on second thought, so its a working title)
longing for a kiss, a touch
your warm embrace
I sit and i wait, and i wait and i
all i have to do to keep your love is suffer.
time drags on
days turn to weeks to months and to who knows
slowly i withdraw, untill its too late
all i have to do to keep your love is suffer.
I crash, burn, fade, and fall.
Shattered I call out, cry out, scream your fucking name.
On deaf ears it falls (i hate this verse)
all i have to do to keep you love is suffer.
-ok, on second thought, im not so sure about these lyrics. *ponders*
Untitled Doomsday song:
at the break of the grey dawn
with winds blowing ash and dust
will wait the faceless rider
clothed in black
with a voice like crumbling leather
he will herald mankinds fall
sweep across the nations
scour the land
woah oh
mankind is destined to fall
woah oh
we are doomed on this day.
-and im stuck there... i started rambling about madmen, and the living dead, but it just didn't feel right.
anyways, any input/critisism would be appreciated. i mean, if this is aweful, i don't want to waste my time. id rather scrap it, and start over, then do something only i'll like. i have hours of material that i've made for me. i figure its time i make something for everyone else.9