So I've been reading A Song of Ice and Fire series...

Jun 18, 2014 18:31

I'm a bit behind, I'm only just finishing A Clash of Kings, and I wouldn't call myself a fan. I'm reading them because I need to read, it's like air, and I have seriously been over the romance section of the bookstore for a while now (not that I wouldn't mind going back if I find something that spoke to me), and the books are written well enough (however long winded). GRRM has done a very good job developing some very interesting characters, and also his backstory to the books is fucking epic.

And what I've learned after finishing one of Theon Greyjoy's chapters last night is that GRRM has forgotten more ways of emotionally ripping the guts from his fans than Joss Whedon will ever learn.

(Jesus, dude. Can't anyone get a goddamned break in your books? Isn't there one sacred cow with you??)

So even though I'm wondering if I'm emotionally equipped to keep reading, I am sufficiently invested enough to do it. God help me.

And uh, if anyone is still wondering, I still love C/A, I still love writing them, but I am seriously lacking in time and attention span right now. Case in point, A Song of Ice and Fire is strictly bathroom reading.

It's the only uninterrupted (barley) time I have these days.

Unless no one still reading my stuff cares about plot? Then I could just do a couple of PWPs every weekend? Maybe?


game of fucking thrones

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